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 L I F E

A F T E R      Y O U


"I don't think I'm ready for this." I sigh, trying to figure out which pair of flats will look best with my dress.

"Will you stop doubting yourself? You look great and you will be fine." Tori replies, throwing pair after pair of flats out of my closet until she finds the perfect ones.

"Here! These will work." She smiles, handing them over to me.

I place the light blue flats onto my feet as I look at myself in the mirror. My white and flowy dress came down just far enough to cover everything it needed to, while emphasizing my enormous stomach and even more enormous boobs. Thanks a lot, milk.

"God, I'm huge. How can he possibly find me attractive?" I frown, noticing how big I've gotten in the last week. "Seven months pregnant does not look good on me."

"Will you shut up? You look amazing for seven months!" Tori rolls her eyes at my lame attempt to body-shame myself.

"Now come sit down so I can do something with your hair."

I followed Tori's instructions and sat down on the chair beside my small kitchen table. Tori plugs in the curling iron, and begins putting loose curls all throughout my hair. My makeup is already done, though I didn't bother to do much. Mascara and lip-gloss seemed like enough to me.

"Ow! Tori, that hurts!" I whine, bringing my hand up to rub my scalp.

"Well, if you'd quit moving I wouldn't burn you." She sighed, swatting my hand away so I don't ruin her masterpiece in progress.

"Well, if you'd quit burning my scalp, I wouldn't move so much." I retort, growing annoyed.

"Done!" She smiles, stepping aside so I can stand up and go look at the finished product.

"Wow, I never knew my hair could look this good." I laugh, watching each loose curl bounce with every step that I took.

"I'm a miracle worker, I know." Tori smiles, unplugging the curling iron and putting it away once it cools down.

"Are you finally ready for this?" She asks, mentioning my pending date with Noah Lucas himself.

"I mean, I can't exactly back out now." I shrug, placing a few items into my small purse, including my fully charged cell phone. Because I am past my seven-month mark, Tori and Riley practically forced me to always have my cell phone with me. I suppose they wanted to be the first ones I call, should I go into premature labor or something.

Suddenly, there's a knock at my door.

"Yep, can't back out now." Tori smirked. "You go ahead; I will let myself out once I clean this stuff up for you." She motioned to the amount of clothes and shoes scattered along my floors and the makeup I left lying on my dresser.

"Thanks, you're the best." I smile, waving goodbye as I head toward the front door and open it.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Noah smiles.

"Thank you." I blush, stepping outside of my apartment and closing the door behind me. "You look great too!"

Noah had on a nice pair of dress pants with a button-downed white dress shirt, some of the buttons on top left open. His short blonde hair looked freshly cut as he held a certain amount of confidence.

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