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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


"Mom, does this dress make me look fat?" I asked sheepishly while standing in front of the full-length mirror.

"That's absurd, dear. You look absolutely stunning!" She cooed while walking over to me to place my vail over my head.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous. I hope I don't puke all over my dress!" I chuckle while putting last minute touches to my makeup.

"Well of course you're nervous, every girl is nervous on their wedding day. You just have to swallow those butterflies and walk with your head held high. Try not to look down a lot or you will trip over your feet and that would be funny and embarrassing." My mom laughed.

My eyes widened in fear. "You think I'll trip over my feet!"

"Honey, I was only kidding. You will be great! Don't sweat it."

My mom turned me around to face her and she placed both of her soft hands against my cheeks, which instantly warmed at her touch.

"I love you sweetie. You're the most beautiful bride to ever walk down an aisle, after me that is." She grinned. "No matter what happens out there, you are getting married to an amazing guy and you deserve every ounce of happiness you're feeling right now."

My eyes began to water as I embraced my mom in a long hug. "Thanks mom."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Sissy, it's time! Get your butt out here."

"Oh Riley, relax. We're coming!" My mom laughed while spraying my hair with hairspray a couple more times.

"Yes mam!" Riley saluted as he left and went back to the main room.

Both my mom and I rolled our eyes and smiled as we made our way down the stairs.

"Hey pumpkin! You look beautiful!" My dad smiled as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Thanks dad! Ready to give me away?" I grinned.

"Not in a million years, but if I have to, I suppose Landon is a pretty great guy to give you away to." He chuckled.

I smiled back and grabbed my bouquet of white and light pink lilies that matched my cream-colored gown perfectly.

The music began playing softly, and I watched as Tori and Riley walked down the aisle first. Tori's smile said it all as she clutched Riley's arm and I smiled when I noticed the little diamond ring resting upon her left ring finger.

Once they reached the alter, it was my turn. I took in a deep breath and clung to my father's right arm for dear life as we slowly made our way down the aisle after my baby cousin, who was our flower girl.

Looking up I saw his beautiful face waiting for me. He never looked better than he has right now in his perfect tuxedo. His brown hair was styled to perfection and his pearly white smile spoke volumes on how he was feeling. I grinned at him as we made eye contact and I swear I saw a glint of a tear in his eyes.

My emotions were running wild and I felt like I was going to empty the contents of my stomach at any moment.

We finally reached the alter.

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