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A F T E R     Y O U


"Holy crap, getting out of bed is like training for the Olympics." I sigh, finally able to stand up straight while waddling over to my bathroom.

"You didn't tell me you were interested in the Olympics!" Riley says from the other end of the phone.

"I'm not Rie." I sigh, rolling my eyes. I balance my phone between my shoulder and ear while I go to the bathroom, and I hear Riley sigh.

"Can you not piss while we're on the phone?" He asks.

"You're the one who called me early in the morning. I can't control my bladder right now, you know that." I laugh, flushing the toilet after wiping.

"So why did you call me Rie?" I ask while washing my hands and drying them on my bathroom towel.

"Oh! I wanted to know if you wanted to do lunch with me and Tori today." He asks.

"Sure, where at?"

"iHop?" He says.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I smile though he couldn't see.

"Great, we will pick you up in twenty minutes." Then Riley hangs up the phone.

"Twenty minutes? I can't get ready in twenty minutes!" I exclaim to myself.

I begin waddling over to my closet to pick out some yoga pants and a large T-shirt. It's basically the only thing that fits right now. I am eight and a half months pregnant now, and these last few weeks have been very life altering.

I pee like every five minutes, and my back is always aching. Walking is the only exercise I get nowadays, and my stomach is so big, I can't even see my feet anymore.

Noah and I have gone on quite a few more dates since our first one at Olive Garden. He's also been helping me with some of my school work, since I haven't made an appearance in majority of my classes lately. Dr. J has put me on bed rest, with limited mobilization. He said I could walk around for only an hour or two each day, and the rest of the time I need to be resting.

I don't mind, sleeping has become my favorite hobby.

My due date is March 15th, but hopefully he comes sooner than that.

After I throw my long wavy hair up into a ponytail, I throw on a pair of black flats and grab my bag. I throw it over my shoulder and head toward the door of my apartment.

I lock the door behind me, and wait on the sidewalk for Riley and Tori.

About ten minutes later, they pull up and Tori gets out of the car to help me. She walks me over to the car and helps me inside, then gets inside herself.

"Hungry sissy?" Riley smiles through the rearview mirror.

"Yes!" I shout, causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

"How are you feeling?" Tori asks, turning her head to cast me a glance.

"I'm fine, just a little tired." I say, smiling.

"Tired? You went to bed at seven-thirty last night and only just woke up whenever I called you." Riley says, laughing.

"You try carrying a tiny human inside of you and see how much energy you have!" I defend myself, slightly running my hand along my belly.

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