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A F T E R      Y O U


"Why hasn't she woken up yet? She should be awake right now! What the hell did the doctors give her?..."

"Will you relax; the doctors know what they're doing. You're freaking me out!..."

I heard voices as my mind wandered in and out of consciousness. I tried my best to pick out the names of the people talking, but my mind was far too blurry.

I slowly peeled my eyelids open, blinking furiously to try to clarify my vision.

Three bodies paced the room.

"Ugh..." I managed to mumble. Immediately the three bodies ceased from pacing and turned towards me.

"Olivia. Honey, can you hear me?"

The sound of my father's voice boomed throughout my ear canals, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"D-daddy?" I softly spoke, trying my best to open my eyes fully.

"Yes baby, I'm here. You had quite the day yesterday." He softly spoke, sitting beside me with my hand placed firmly into his.


Almost instantaneously, images from yesterday came flooding back into my mind, crowding my brain.

Going to find Noah.

Getting coffee.





"W-where's Landon?" I suddenly asked, knowing that I was completely out of it.

"He um... he's not here Liv." Riley softly spoke from my other side. That's when it hit me.

Finally able to see clearly, I sat up but winced as I clutched my stomach.

"Careful sweetie, you burned yourself pretty badly." My dad said, reaching over to press the button that moved the bed in an upward position so I could sit up straight.

Once I was sat up straight, I looked down at my stomach and tears immediately filled my eyes.

"T-the baby... what happened to the baby?" My eyes frantically searched my dad and Riley's eyes, but I only saw the look of sadness fill their features.

"Liv, when you fell the strain caused the baby to move around a lot inside your belly. The baby hit it's head and the doctors are monitoring you to be sure that the baby didn't sustain life-long injuries, though it's hard to tell since the baby isn't born yet. Also, the baby's heartbeat has been irregular since the fall and that's being monitored too." Riley began to explain.

My head instantly started shaking and I immediately put up a defense. "No, the baby is fine. Stop lying to me!" I yelled, feeling my heart rate begin to jump.

"Olivia, you need to calm down sweetie, the baby can't take any extra stress." My dad stated, firmly but gently placing his hand on my shoulder.

I couldn't stop myself, the panic set in and I immediately began seeing images of Landon in his hospital bed and the doctor calling his time of death. It sounded so real, too real.

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