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A F T E R      Y O U


"I hate airplanes." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Liv, you love airplanes." Riley deadpanned as we moved down the line of security at the airport.

Riley, Tori and I are flying home to Nevada for Christmas break. My dad is going to pick us up from the Nevada airport and bring us home and I am excited to see him. I finally got rid of that ridiculous wheel chair and my ankle feels perfectly fine now. There is still a little bit of pain whenever I twist it a certain way, but for the most part it is back to normal. At least I can walk again.

My stomach is completely healed. The burns only left behind minimal scarring that I am taking care of with creams and cocoa butter. The cocoa butter also helps with the stretch marks beginning to form around my stomach, because I don't want big ugly ones left behind after the baby is born.

"Since when do I love airplanes?" I questioned.

"Since the first time we rode on one back in elementary school to visit some family in New York, remember? You were so amazed by being so high up in the sky that you begged mom to let you have the window seat the entire way there and the entire way back." Riley laughed.

I smiled at the memory of our big family trip to New York. My mom did let me have the window seat for the entire plane ride there and back, even though Riley begged her to let him have a turn. My dad made Riley feel better by giving him candy, so he finally shut up after that.

"Well, I hate them now." I glared, feeling nervous about being up so high. "What if we crash and burn?" I sighed.

"Gee, thanks for the image." Tori muttered beside me. This is only her fourth time flying and she absolutely hates it.

"Way to go Olivia; let's scare Tori even more than she already is." Riley sighed, putting a protective arm around his girlfriend.

"Whatever... it's something to think about." I frowned while putting my arm underneath my bulging stomach. Hardly any of my clothes fit me anymore. I only wear loose fitting pants or leggings and oversized tops or sweaters. Everyone tells me I'm crazy for wearing sweaters in Florida, but I honestly love how comfortable they are, especially to sleep in.

"Next!" The airport security guard yelled towards us.

Riley went first, placing all of his belongings into the grey tub and then stepping through the metal detector. When he was cleared to go forward, he grabbed his belongings out of the tub and waited for Tori and I.

Tori did the same as Riley and walked through the metal detector with no problems.

When it was my turn, I placed my belongings into the grey tub and stepped through the metal detector. As I made my way through the metal detector, the beeping went off.

"Hold on mam. We need to check you for any foreign objects. Please step to the side here." The security guard motioned for me to step in front of him away from the ongoing security line.

I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of the other security guard as he instructed me to spread my legs apart and hold my arms out straight.

As he used the metal detector scanner, the beeping started up again when he moved the wand around my butt.

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