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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


"Choo Choo train!" Riley yelled as he darted around Tori and I, heading straight for the train. He maneuvered around the other little kids until he was first in line, waiting to be seated.

"All aboard!" Riley shouted, causing the little kids to laugh.

"Um, Sir, that's my line." The fake conductor deadpanned as he stepped aside for the other kids to climb onto the small train.

"Fine, but I'm the caboose!" Riley smiled proudly, crossing his arms as he took the very last seat in the back of the train.

"Why me...?" I heard the fake conductor mumbled as he took his position at the head of the train.

"Is he serious right now?" Tori sighed, while picking up the shopping bags Riley dropped just to go ride the small train.

All three of us are spending the day at the mall, shopping for the baby.

The mall has a small train that goes all the way around the mall, passing by each shop and food cart.

This train is supposed to be for little kids only, so you could imagine the stares and laughs from the adults as they watch Riley sit in the back of the train, just as excited as the little kids if not more.

"Let's go Chuck! I'm not getting any younger!" Riley yelled towards the conductor.

Chuck glared into the distance as he started the train, and began to take off.

"So yeah, let's just go about our day and pretend we don't know him, okay?" Tori smiled, looping her arm into mine and pulling me away from the train.

"Babe! Look at me! I'm the caboose!" Riley yelled, looking directly at Tori. Her cheeks went red as she glared at him, trying to pull me further away.

"Yep Tor, you picked a real winner there." I teased, laughing while following an embarrassed Tori towards a baby clothes store.

"Sometimes, I really question myself." She mumbled as I laughed some more.

I have been really happy these past few weeks. Focusing on school, hanging out with Noah, shopping for the baby and setting up my apartment.

Yes, you heard me right, hanging out with Noah. Don't worry, we are only friends, nothing more. I can't handle anything more right now. My heart is still heavy.

I am now officially five months along, and my belly is definitely nice and round. I can't fit that well into some of my clothes anymore, so while shopping, I've also bought some new maternity clothes. I still have four months to go before my baby boy makes his presence in the world, but I know it will fly by, so I am making sure to get everything done and ready.

Living in a studio apartment, the baby won't have his own room, but I will make a spot just for him. I put up a nice sleek, black crib in the far corner of the apartment, with some elephant wallpaper up around the crib.

There's a small wooden changing table sitting next to the crib, stocked full of diapers and wipes.

I already have a swing for the baby, the box is sitting on the floor along with a few other items that the baby won't need right away.

I've been trying not to buy a lot of stuff, because in a few weeks I will be having my baby shower and I know I will get a lot of stuff then.

"Oh my gosh, Liv. Look at this rocking chair! It's perfect! You need to get it! Better yet, I'll get it for you!" Tori smiled, pulling me towards the old wooden rocking chair.

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