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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


Riley's POV –

"Tori?" I yelled, walking into her dorm.

Where is she?

Shrugging my shoulders, I sat down on her bed and pulled out my phone.

Since when did Facebook become so boring? All I see are stupid memes and horrible snapchat filters.

Deciding to stop looking at social media, I switched over to Netflix and started watching Riverdale.

Cheryl is life. If I wasn't with Tori, I'd be trying to holler.


A few minutes into the episode, Tori walked in.

"I knew you'd be here." She smiled, putting her bag down on her desk. "What did you do today?"

"Well I went to a few classes, and then I made Liv cry, and then we went for ice cream, and then I yelled at her in the car, and then she told me how she knew I liked to sleep in pink sprinkle boxers..." I glared at my smirking girlfriend.

"Wait, why did you make her cry?" She frowned.

Really, that's the only thing she cares about?

"Some song came on that reminded her of Landon, and she started crying so I yelled at her for causing me to look away from the road and yeah. I've never yelled at her like that before." I frowned, thinking back to it.

"Aw, babe. You have to be more careful, it's bad enough she's pregnant and full of raging hormones, but Landon is still a touchy subject for her. It's going to take time for her to fully heal from losing him." She assured, sitting beside me and leaning against me.

"I know, I know. I'll be careful. So, about the boxers..." I began, sending a pointed look to Tori who already started giggling.

"I don't know what you are talking about? I didn't know you had pink sprinkle boxers." She lied.

"Bull. You see me in them all the time!" I sighed, pulling her closer to me.

"And man are they sexy!" She laughed, getting up to get a drink, causing me to fall over since I was using her as a pillow.

"Hey, get back here! You were warm!" I pouted.

"You're such a child." She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, so come spank me." I winked, turning over on my stomach and sticking my butt in the air.

"Yeah... no." She deadpanned.

"Oh, you might want to call her for a girl session. Whenever I first saw her walking to her car, she was upset because I guess Noah kissed her or something." I shrugged, not caring at all about her girl problems.

"He what! That pig!"

I laughed in amusement watching Tori go from happy to mad in a matter of seconds.

"I have to call her right now. I can't believe he would even think about doing something like that, especially at a time like this! I bet Liv is freaking out over it." She kept on ranting, and I watched her beautiful eyes, the way they crinkle when she's mad or upset. I studied her pink lips as they frowned while she dialed Olivia's number.

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