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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


It is my first day back to class.

I've been sleeping at Tori's dorm with her for the past week. I still can't seem to be able to walk inside of my lonely apartment. Riley has been going there every few days to dust and clean, just to keep things nice for when I do decide to go back.

I still haven't talked to Riley about the whole being with my best friend thing. He feels like I'm mad at him for it, which must explain his maid-like tendencies.

I want to tell him that I'm not angry with him for being with Tori. I want to tell him that I miss him and I need him, but everytime I see him all I can think about is that he's happy with the girl he wants to be with and I'm miserable without the boy I wanted to be with.

It's a mixture of jealousy and anger when I see Riley with Tori and I know that's not fair because it's not his fault... but somehow I can't stop blaming him.

That's right, I actually blamed him for killing Landon and I'll probably never forgive myself for doing so which is also causing me to want to ignore him even more.

I still cringe whenever I think about our last heated conversation that took place a couple of days ago.

"Sissy I brought you ice cream!" Riley cooed as he entered Tori's dorm room.

"No thanks." I mumbled as I took a water from the mini-fridge.

"Oh come on, it's your favorite!" He whined, plopping down on the futon bed.

"Get out." I stated while starring daggers at my brother.

"Why are you acting so childish, Liv?" He asked, pulling the pint of chocolate-chip cookie dough ice cream out of the plastic bag and placing it on the bedside table.

"Only Tori can call me Liv... and no one is acting childish."

"Yes you are. You haven't spoken to me since you left the hospital." He replied while kicking off his shoes and crisscrossing his legs on the bed before taking out his pint of s'mores ice cream.

At the mention of the hospital, the anger inside of me boiled.

"Get. Out!" I yelled.

"No. Not until we talk!"

"I don't want to talk to you, Riley!" My words were cold and he noticed that I wasn't going to give in.

"I don't understand why you're being this way. Fucking get over yourself already." He rolled his eyes.

The tapping of my angry foot against the floor suddenly diminished and I could actually feel the redness grow within my cheeks. If this were a cartoon, I would have smoke coming out of my ears.

"Get over myself? Are you fucking kidding me! Who do you think you are coming over here to MY best friend's dorm room and telling me to get over myself?"

"Tori is MY girlfriend, so I'll come over to HER dorm room whenever the hell I feel like it. Plus, it's obvious you're jealous that I'm stealing your best friend away from you. Poor Olivia is all alone now." He mocked in a high-pitched voice.

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