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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


** sidenote: i laughed at this GIF of Jen so I used it... in the story Jen has blonde hair though **


"Keep your cool, Olivia. Everything will be fine. Nothing weird will happen. It's just a casual conversation about the past, right?" I tried to reassure myself as I came upon Noah's dorm room.

Yeah right.

I stood in front of his door for about ten minutes before I finally raised my hand to knock.

Of course, someone came bursting through the door the second my fist was about to meet the wooden surface and I sort of hit him in the face.

"What the fu- Oh, Olivia. Hey." Dustin suddenly said as he noticed me standing in front of him with my hand cupped over my mouth.

"I am so sorry!" I squealed.

"No, its fine. I should have seen right through the door that you were standing there. My mistake." He sarcastically smiled as he rubbed his forehead.

I rolled my eyes.

"Is Noah here?" Dustin is Noah's roommate. I know Dustin from our math class, though we hardly exchange any words.

"Yeah, he just got back from the showers." Dustin moved aside so I could enter the room. "Hey Noah, your booty call is here. Can't you arrange these things for when I am gone?"

I stood with my mouth dropped open. "Excuse me!" I glared. "I am NOT here for that!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's alright toots, no need to feel embarrassed." Dustin smirked.

Well, I could tell that he and Noah were roommates.

"In case you did not know... I am Landon Cavalier's ex. You know the one who just died in a car accident. You inconsiderate jerk." I snapped.

His face instantly drained of any color. "Oh my... fuck, you're right. I am so sorry. Landon was a good buddy of mine and a few other guys from the football team. I had no idea." He genuinely looked apologetic.

"I-It's alright. I'm sorry for being rude too. I guess I am still just a little shaken up over the whole thing." I sadly smiled.

He returned the sad smile and the averted his eyes to the figure standing before us.

"Olivia... what are you doing here?" Noah genuinely wondered as he stepped forward towards me.

"I um... wanted to talk. I-If you're not busy." I began.

"Oh um, alright. Hey Dustin, can you give us a minute?" He looked to his roommate.

"Sure! I was just about to head to the café anyway. Meet me there. You too if you would like Olivia." He turned to me and smiled before he exited the room.

"H-how are you?" Noah finally asked after a few seconds of silence. "Please, come sit down." He pulled the old shirts that hung from his desk chair and threw them aside.

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