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A F T E R     Y O U


"What about Ethan?" I shout.

"Eh, next!"



"Okay, what about Thomas?" I shout again.

"Damn Liv, you suck at this." Tori laughs as she exits my bathroom. She came over to hangout and I have been reading this book of baby names for the last half hour.

Today is Saturday and it's New Year's Eve. The college dorms are throwing a massive party. I told myself I wasn't going to go, because I knew there would be alcohol involved, but Tori convinced me that this might be the last party I will ever get to attend once the baby arrives.

After our Christmas Eve dinner with Landon's parents, we saw some of our own family on Christmas day. A few second cousins from my dad's side and even some people I never met before. The food was amazing and the presents were pretty cool too. Of course, I did mostly get gifts for the baby, but I was not going to complain. This baby is going to be set for life! Well, at least for the first year or two.

After our Christmas celebration, Dad, Riley, and Tori came with me to visit mom and Landon. I left flowers by each of their gravestones and I even wrote a letter to Landon, telling him all about the baby and how much I miss him. I didn't think seeing Landon's grave for the first time since the funeral was going to be as hard as it was, but I knew I couldn't leave Nevada without seeing him.

It honestly made me feel a little better to be close to him again. Spiritually, of course.

"Well get over here and help me then!" I pout, patting the spot on the bed next to me.

Tori came over and lounged beside me, grabbing the book from my hands.

"Let's take a look." She begins skimming through each page, loudly turning each page as she sighs in defeat. "I don't see anything even remotely interesting."

"Gee, thanks for all of your help." I glare.

"Don't worry, the name will come to you when you least expect it." Tori smiles.

"Well, I would like that to be before I'm in the delivery room." I sigh, getting up to go pee. Again.

"Didn't you just go?" Tori laughed.

"How about you carry a watermelon inside of your stomach directly on top of your bladder and see how well you can keep your pee in." I reply, closing the bathroom door shut behind me.

"No thanks! Not for a while!" She shouts.

"How about Brad?" I shout as I flush the toilet.

"Brad who?"

"For the baby."

"Nah, I know like seven Brad's." She laughs.

"You can't know eight?" I tease, stepping out of the bathroom after washing my hands.

"Too many." She lazily shrugs.

"Well, we got about five hours until the party starts at eight. I say we nap for three and a half of them." I yawn.

Tori nods and we both spread out on my bed, listening to the sound of the TV as we fall asleep.


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