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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


Vomiting. What a beautiful way to start the day.

I leaned over Tori's trash can with my hands clutching around it. I took a few steady breaths before sitting up in bed. I looked over at Tori and she had a gross look on her face.

"Please tell me that there was a trash bag inside the can?" She mumbled from under the covers.

"There was a trash bag inside the can." I repeated, only saying what she wanted me to say.

"You're such a liar. Clean it out." She sighed.

"I was going to. Chill." I got up slowly and stumbled a little. I grabbed the side of Tori's dresser and tried to steady myself.

"Are you alright?" Tori asked, rolling over and facing me.

"Yeah, peachy." I grunted.

"This whole, moody Olivia thing is really getting old ya know." She casually stated while sitting up in bed.

"Gee, thanks. I wish I could turn them off, but for some reason they will not go away. Hm, I wonder why. Oh, that's right, because I'm PREGNANT." I rolled my eyes.

Tori glared in my direction and finally got up from bed. "Yeah, yeah. Pregnant, hormones, bitchiness, crazy... the list goes on and on. I get it." She chuckled while grabbing her toiletry bag.

"I'm going to shower. Catch ya later." She said lazily while slipping on her sandals and heading for the door.

"Oh, don't forget... Riley is coming over today so if you don't want to see him later, find another place to mope." She smirked before closing the door behind her.

Would it be horrible if I slapped my best friend in the face today? Yeah... it might be. Dammit.

I inwardly sighed and took the trashcan outside and to the bathrooms. I cleaned it out and brought it back to Tori's dorm room, placing it back in its designated spot on the floor.

It was Saturday, so Tori and I didn't have any classes today. I have been skipping a lot anyways, which I need to stop doing if I want to pass this semester. I can't get too far behind or I won't be able to catch up. Then I will be a college dropout with a baby and no boyfriend or husband. I will be a mess.

I am a mess now.

After the conversation I had with Noah the other day, I have been mentally running through the events of that night in my head trying to come to a realization of some sort as to what actually happened.

All this time I have believed my own story on what happened, but what if that story is not true? What if I did go crazy and come up with something to make myself feel better about the abortion?

I really didn't want to speak to Riley, but as of now, he was my only option on getting more answers. Other than Landon, he was the only one who saw me that night.

I decided I would wait for him to get here. I mean, I had no other special plans for the day.

Tori told me once she got dressed that she was going out to get her nails done and pick up something to eat before Riley came by. She offered to take me with her, but as usual, I declined the offer.

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