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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


Landon's POV –

It's Saturday morning and Olivia and I have no classes today. Tori called me this morning and told me that she wanted us to surprise Olivia since her birthday is on Tuesday and she has lame class that day.

I agreed to the plans Tori made because she is Olivia's best friend and apparently knows everything about my girlfriend, even though I've known her longer. Great logic.

I called Riley to make sure he was able to make it, although I already knew his answer before I called him.

"Hey man, listen... Tori just called an-" before I could finish I was cut off.

"Don't worry, Tori already called me. All systems a go."

"This isn't the military..."

He made a sound similar to the one that walkie-talkie's make before saying "over and out" and then hung up the phone.

I let a sigh escape my lips.

"What are you sighing about?" I heard a beautiful voice say behind me.

"Oh, Riley. You know how he is..." I chuckled, hoping that she didn't hear any of my conversations prior.

"True." She playfully said as she made her way to the kitchen.

I couldn't help but watch her. The love of my life is the most breath-taking human being I have ever laid my eyes on. The best part, she's all mine.

I knew from the moment we met that she was going to be a huge part of my life.

I was seven years old and had just moved into the two-story home on Maple Street. I didn't know anyone being that this was a new town and I was going to start a new school. I was nervous but a little excited. It was my first day at Briorwood Elementary and I didn't know a single soul.

I was walking to find my classroom and a mean, big kid knocked all of my books out of my hands while laughing with his friends. I knew second grade wasn't going to be easy.

All of my things went flying and I could feel the redness sitting against my cheeks. My eyes started to water and I felt a delicate touch on my shoulder.

I turned around only to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life. Up until then, at least.

She had light brown pigtails that cascaded over her shoulders perfectly. She was wearing a pink tank top with light blue-jean overalls. Her sneakers were beautifully white as if they had just come out of the box that morning.

"Do you need some help?" She asked, a glint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

"One sec, okay?" She said before darting away into a classroom. She came back empty handed and began kneeling down to help me gather my books.

"Those guys are big meanies okay? Don't let them make you sad."

She had an apologetic smile on her face as she handed me my things.

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