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A F T E R     Y O U


It is almost time to land the plane, and I honestly can't wait to get off.

Three and a half hours may not seem like a long time, but when you are forced to sit next to Tori and Riley, you tend to feel a lot more irritated than you normally do.

"I told you, you can't drink more than five cokes in two minutes." Tori sighed while laughing at Riley who clutched his stomach with a frown.

"I think I am going to be sick." He mumbled.

"Well go be sick in the bathroom!" I sighed.

All of a sudden, Riley straightened in his seat and gave the loudest belch I think I have ever heard him give in his entire existence.

I scrunched my nose in disgust as I held my hand over my nose and mouth.

"Oh my God! You are disgusting!" I shrieked, which caused Riley to laugh as Tori gave him a punch to the shoulder.

You could hear a few of the passengers around us groaning in disgust, but when the old man behind me started laughing, I shook my head in disbelief.

"How could you possibly think that is funny?" I turned around to eye the old man.

"Oh come on! That was brilliant!" He smirked, which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"Man... you sound just like..." I began, but my face faltered as I slowly turned around in my seat.

Riley noticed and after giving the old man behind me a fist bump, he turned to me with a genuine look on his face. "Don't you see Liv, he is Landon reincarnated." Riley smiled.

"Don't say that." I mumbled.


"Because," I leaned closer to Riley to whisper, "I don't want to imagine Landon as an old weird looking man. It's creepy." I shuddered.

"I know what you mean..." Riley chuckled softly. "But hey, at least he found your necklace. He can be Landon for that, right?" He smirked while patting the top of my head playfully.

I swatted his hand away and grinned while leaning back into my seat. "Whatever."

"I think it's actually kind of magical. I mean this stranger found your necklace, and his name just so happens to be Landon. It's like Landon was watching you from up above and knew you were looking for your necklace. He helped you through this man." Tori smiled over at me.

"Maybe, it's just weird to think about." I replied. "Oh well... all I know is, I'm grateful." I smiled.

"Passengers, please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts as we begin to land. Please turn your electronic devices off and remain seated until we have safely landed. I have enjoyed being your pilot this afternoon, and I hope you had an amazing flight experience using Southwest airlines! Please come join us again real soon and take care!" Thomas, the pilot, announced over the intercom.

Everyone began fastening their seatbelts as the plane started to descend.

"Finally! Home sweet home!" Riley cheered while placing a kiss against Tori's cheek.

"Ew, I can still smell that burp on your breath. You need a mint." Tori swatted Riley away from her face.

"Don't hate, appreciate!" Riley huffed while turning around to give the old man sitting behind me a smirk. "Right Landon?"

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