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L I F E 

 A F T E R    Y O U 


"Olivia! Guys, over here!" I heard my father's voice boom through the airport.

Riley, Tori and I all smiled at him and rushed to his side. I jumped into his arms and gave him a much-needed hug. He gently squeezed me as he took my bag from me. "Hey babygirl!"

"Hi dad!" I smiled.

"Well... I am not going to get used to this." He said gesturing to my small baby bump that poked out through my shirt.

I sheepishly smiled. "Well, get used to it fast. I will be huge before I know it."

"Joy." My dad said sarcastically.

Riley showed up after grabbing our other luggage and hugged our dad. "Hey kiddo." Dad said.

"Hey there pops. You have met Tori, yes? My beautiful girlfriend!" Riley beamed while putting his arm around her shoulders.

My dad rolled his eyes. "Son, I've known Tori since she became friends with Olivia... and you told me a while ago that you were dating." He deadpanned.

"Right... but this is the first time you get to see her as my girlfriend!" He defended.

My dad looked at Tori and chuckled, "I am so sorry."

"No, believe me, I'm the one that's sorry." She teased while looking up at Riley.

"That better not be something mean!" Riley pouted.

"Um, can we go now?" I laughed.

"Yes, lets!" My dad said while laughing at Riley.

"Trust me babe, it was nothing mean." Tori laughed while trying to reassure a pouting Riley.

"Hey! Look! Airport snacks!" Riley shouted as we headed for the doors.

"No son, no." My dad scolded. "There is food at the house."

"Fine." Riley mumbled.

Both Tori and I shared an eye roll on that one.


"Home sweet home! Couch, I've missed you!" Riley yelled throughout our quiet childhood home.

Our dad began rubbing his temples. "Remind me again why you had to bring him with you?" My dad teased.

I let out a laugh, "Sorry dad, had to."

"Olivia, I made your bed. You AND TORI-" My dad casted a warning glance at my brother, "Can share your room."

"Already planned on it." I smiled.

"But Dad, I am a man now! I buy my own razors and shaving cream! My girlfriend can sleep with me." He defended himself.

"Do you really wanna test me boy?" Dad warned.

"No sir." Riley instantly shut down his idea. Tori laughed and patted Riley's head.

"It's alright babe. Absence makes the heart grow fonder." She smirked.

"Blah blah blah... kiss me!" Riley smiled up at her.

She did.

"Ugh, get a room." I sighed.

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