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 L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


I woke up to the smell of pancakes dancing through the air.

I turned my head and popped one eye open to look at the clock resting on my nightstand waiting to wake me up.

It was exactly twenty minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off.

This only meant one thing:

Our apartment had been broken into, and the perpetrator was cooking me breakfast!

Well, at least he's nice.

I slowly sat up in bed while rubbing the tired out of my eyes. I looked next to me only to find an empty bed.

I slowly got up and made my way to the small kitchen in the corner of the apartment.

I stopped short and watched as Landon maneuvered through the kitchen, stirring the pancake batter and pouring it onto the large square skillet.

I looked on our little dining table and saw eggs already made and a side of bacon.

Bacon. He loves me! He really loves me!

I assume he felt my eyes on him and he slowly turned around with a sleepy smile on his face.

I wanted to attack him right then and there as he was completely naked with only an apron on.

I let out a small chuckle and walked up to him.

"Landon, are you sleep cooking?" I asked, not able to hide the huge grin on my lips.

"Why would you ask me that, silly?" He asked. Flipping a pancake with the spatula.

His back was to me again and I looked down at his bare butt and laughed some more.

He looked ridiculous, but in a sexy way.

"Well, you are up twenty minutes before the alarm and you are cooking a big breakfast." I said, in a duh tone.

"C'mon, Olivia. Can't a guy wake up early and surprise his woman with a nice breakfast before class?" He said as he turned around with a cheeky grin on his face.

The apron was blue with white bold writing on the front that said, "Mr. Good lookin' is cookin'."

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"It looks wonderful, babe. The apron though is a little cheesy." I teased as I made my way over to the dining table and sat down in front of the bacon and eggs. I remembered back when Landon bought the apron. I smiled at the memory.

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