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L I F E 

A F T E R    Y O U 


Landon's POV –

8 Hours Ago:

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I peered over my shoulder at Olivia who was still sound asleep in bed. I smiled at her cute face and then grabbed my phone off the nightstand, unplugging it from the charger.

It was eleven-thirty in the morning and there was a voicemail from Riley. I couldn't stop the automatic eye roll. This guy always calls at the most random times.

Despite my thoughts, I clicked play and brought the speaker to my ear.

"Hey dude! Today is Sunday and after Olivia's girly birthday party yesterday, I thought we both deserved a guys day out! Don't be a chicken shit, just get up and get dressed. I'm sure Olivia will understand. I'll be there to pick you up in an hour! Toodles!"

Face palming myself; I slowly sat up in bed.

Did he really just end the voicemail with "toodles"?

I need to find another best friend.

Remembering my first best friend, I turned to her and smiled. Her leg was up against her chest as it was covering a third pillow that she placed in between her legs. Why she sleeps like this, I'll never know.

Her head was against her pillow and her hands rested peacefully under her cheek for more support. Her hair was a mess, but she still looked breath taking. I gently moved some stray strands of her dark hair behind her ear while running my thumb softly against her cheekbone.

"Olivia." I whispered against her ear.

"Guess what." I whispered again, this time a little louder.

"Five more minutes." She mumbled.

Grinning, I got closer to her ear and whispered again. "Olivia... guess what."

She mumbled something I couldn't pick up and swatted my face with her right hand, her body facing away from me and her bare back against my bare chest.

"Olivia... guess what!" I said a little louder.

"Oh for fucks sake, WHAT!" She yelled, starting to turn around to face me.

I laughed and yanked the blanket off her in one swift motion, letting it fall to the floor below. "You have to be awake when I say this. You just have to!" I pleaded with a smile.

"Landon, I'm going to seriously hurt you in about five seconds if you do not pick that blanket up, and put it back over me!" She said in a monotone voice with her eyes still closed.

"But Olivia... it's important!" I gasped.

"Landon. I am naked. It's freezing in here. Give me back the blanket, or so help me..."

At that, I knew she was serious. However, I did not care.

I smirked at her body, the goosebumps starting to form atop of her skin. She was so beautiful. Every single inch of her skin begged me to embrace her. Feeling her soft touch was the only thing that made me feel fully alive.

I gently ran my fingers along her upper thigh, which caused her to tense. I loved making her do that.

"Landon... what do you want?" She said again, her eyes still closed with her body now facing me. I looked at her innocent face and gently left a kiss on her forehead.

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