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 L I F E

A F T E R      Y O U


"RILEY! YOU ATE MY LAST YOGURT!" I yelled through the phone, cursing up a storm at my annoying older brother.

"I did not!" He yelled through the phone. "You can't prove anything!"

"Riley... if you do not bring me another yogurt in the next ten minutes, I will personally see to it that you NEVER have children." I threatened, feeling very angry.

"Sheesh... someone needs a chill pill." Riley muttered, thinking I wouldn't hear it.

"What I need, is a brother who doesn't eat all of my YOGURT!" I seethed.

"Don't you have chocolate ice cream in the freezer?" Riley questioned, trying to change my mind about the yogurt. "I am currently indisposed at the moment."

"What do you mean indisposed? You're sitting in your dorm room playing Xbox!" I growled.

"Do you really need yogurt this instant?" Riley sighed.

"Um, yes." I deadpanned.

"Fine. Give me half an hour." He replied.

"No way! Ten minutes!" I stated firmly.

"Liv, I can't get there in ten minutes even if I left right now." Riley annoyingly replied. "I will be there as soon as I can, now goodbye!" Then he hung up on me.

Angry, I put my phone down and waddled over to the bathroom to pee. After relieving myself, I went over to the kitchen to see if any spare yogurts somehow magically appeared in my fridge. Sadly, none did.

Suddenly, there was a very loud knock at the door.

I pulled on my robe, having been only in my underwear, and waddled over to the door pulling it open.

"Noah?" My eyes widened.

"Hello Olivia!" He smiled, stepping inside. Clearly, he missed the part about me being in my robe.

"Um, what's up?" I asked, slowly bringing my arms up and crossing them over my chest.

"Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought you could use something sweet." He held out a container of frozen yogurt and my smile grew wide.

"YOU BROUGHT ME YOGURT!" I squealed, releasing my hands from over my chest and reaching out to grab the bag. My robe fell a little, showing just the tiniest bit of cleavage, and before I could figure it out I saw Noah staring at the ground with a redness to his cheeks.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but then immediately brought my hands back across my chest.

"Um, allow me to get dressed." I excused myself, walking over to my closet and picking out a pair of Landon's sweatpants and a black T-shirt.

Noah simply nodded as he watched me walk into the bathroom.

Shutting the door behind me, I cursed to myself as I got dressed.

After getting dressed and using the bathroom one more time, I went out into the kitchen and sat at the table with Noah sitting across from me.

"So, you were just in the neighborhood?" I smirked, opening the container of frozen yogurt and picking up one of the spoons that Noah took from my silverware drawer.

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