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L I F E 

 A F T E R    Y O U 


"Olivia, how are you doing?" Noah suddenly asked.

"Oh, I'm fine." I replied, pouring sugar into my hot tea.

"You're getting big there." He nervously laughed, scratching the back of his head.

"Um yeah, that happens." I laughed.

"H-here, let me hold your bag." Noah smiled while pulling my bag off my shoulder and walking with me to my class.

"You don't have to do that..." I softly replied, looking down at my tea.

"I insist." He smiled. "So, have you found out the gender yet?"

"Yes... it's a boy." I smiled thinking about my precious little bundle of joy.

"Awe, I bet you're excited."

"I am actually." I replied.

"What do you mean actually?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as we walked.

"Well... I was a little hesitant at first about a boy. I just didn't think I'd be able to handle seeing Landon's face so much in the baby, because boys tend to hold more of their father's genes and what not. I figured if I had a girl, she would look more like me and I wouldn't be reminded of Landon every time I see my baby." I shrugged, feeling stupid thinking about it.

"Well, you could have very well had a girl and it still would have reminded you of him. Even if she looked more like you... everytime you would've looked at her, you would've thought about him." Noah sheepishly smiled.

"I suppose you're right." I smiled. "Anyways, this is my stop."

"Right, well here you go." Noah handed me my bag and I slung it over my shoulder carefully.

"Thank you for walking me to class Noah." I smiled. "Oh and never tell a woman pregnant or not that she's getting big. That is never a good conversation starter." I chuckled.

"Anytime and I will definitely remember that." He laughed while walking away.

I watched him walk away for a few seconds, thinking about how different my life might have been, have Noah and I stayed together and kept our baby. I will always feel horrible about terminating my first pregnancy, but at the time, it seemed like the right thing to do. Neither of us were ready for that kind of responsibility.

I placed my right hand around my belly and smiled. I am happy how my life turned out and I am glad to be carrying Landon's child. To get to keep a piece of him, this beautiful, will always feel right. No matter where I go, or what I do in life, I will always have Landon with me.

I entered class and sat down, ready for my lecture.

I pulled out my notebook and opened it at what I thought was the next blank page. What laid before my eyes almost made me start to cry.

"It's you Olivia." Was written on the page with the same little heart drawn next to my name as I remembered seeing it the first time when I was late for class one morning.

It's you Landon. I thought to myself and began taking my notes.


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