1752: Run

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I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I looked aside and saw Evie walking out with nothing but my shirt on. I climbed out of bed and put my pants on before walking out after her. I made my way out and saw Evie leaning against the railing. "Mother, help me! Allow for me and Shay to be together, help us find a way." She paused and I closed the door behind me and stood there watching her. "If there no way for us to be together, then force me to forget, make me forget." She whimpers as she looks up at the stars.

I pretended that I just come out and didn't hear what she said. "I wondered where you went too." I chuckle as I wrap my around her and point out the stars.

"That's Orion." I rand my hands along her arms. "That one is Polaris, known as the North Star!" I instructed, leaning down to kiss her temple before leaning my chin on her head.

"You're so lucky Shay, you get to see the most beautiful stars." I smiled, as Evie and I continued to look at the stars. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, turning her head back to face me.

"Of course!" I smiled bringing my lips to her forehead, closing my eyes in contact, she looked hesitant.

"I know, I know the problem we have!" She sighs. "But I want you as mine, I've never felt this way with someone before." I cut her off placing my finger on her lips. I pulled away. "I know the creed, Liam and everything else wouldn't let us be together."

"We can't happen Evie." Evie nodded, and I let out a breath of air. "You said it yourself we have so many obstacles in our path, that it's just we wouldn't work." I told her turning to face her, I knew those words would have hurt her.

"I understand. Do you think we could be friends at least?"She asked, I shook my head.

"You and I know that you wouldn't just want to be friends." After, realising how many times we both orgasmed, losing her was the last thing I wanted.

"Well, Shay." She paused. "Excuse me." I hear a whimper from her as she walks away and back into the cabin closing the door behind her. I groaned and slammed my hand against the mast, then followed her back inside.

Evie removed my shirt, and I couldn't help but stare at the candlelight. The moonlight and candlelight would fight for dominance with the moonlight. I loved how it showed her skin, her curves, her body. "Evie, what's that?" I asked as I saw a burn on her hip.

"The mark of disownment." She said as she put her dress on almost ready to leave. "I best get going! Don't want to get caught." She smiled, but I knew she was hurting.

"I wish it could have been different." She shook her head.

"No, you don't." She nodded and curtsied before leaving.

Three Days Later


I noticed Shay and Evie had acted strange. Evie always used to spend one or two minutes with us before leaving, now she barely comes down, only for training and even then, it's a mission to get her out of the room.


Shay was leaving for his mission today. I went aboard his ship to see him before he left, I wasn't going to accompany him on this mission. "Did something happen between you and Evie?" I asked getting straight to the point as Shay put things into place.

"No, I think she may of over overheard me and Kesegowaase speaking." I nodded not buying it I know them both and I know when something is up. "Seriously, nothing happened." He nervously laughed as he saw that I was going to ask again.

"What were you talking about?" I pushed harder. Shay stopped and looked at me.

"The lasses here aren't the same as they are in Ireland." He admits and I nodded, personally I'd rather the girls from American soil.

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