1777: Anything Like Me

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I walked into my papa study, the house getting emptier by the moment. Florence has gotten married and chose to move back to the American colonies. Jacob is no longer living here anymore, he's always on missions. After today it will be only Liam living at home, I found out today that I'm going to be a father. I want to do the right thing by her and marry her, I don't know if I love her but I've been seeing her for a good few years.

"Papa, can you spare a moment?" I whispered as I see him looking over his old maps with a glass of port in his hand. "I need to talk to you." Papa's head lifted up and nodded placing his maps down on his desk.

"Of course take a seat." I stepped inside and closed the door. "Oh is it one of those?" I nodded, taking a seat in front of his desk.

"What's the matter?" He whispered. "You don't look so well son, are you alright?" He continued, I nodded.

"I got Nicola Vichmen with child." I looked down, I knew these words would disappoint my father. "She's almost showing." I looked up at my father, quenching ready for the strike I'm about to receive.

"Oh my boy!" I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh ready to take a smack. "Wow."

"I'm sorry I." He cut me off, when he stood up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. "I'm sorry papa." He shushed me.

"I'm gonna be a grandfather?" He pulls back, smiling wide. "Oh god, I still remember when I found out you." He smiles, as a tear falls down his cheek.

"I thought you'd be disappointed." He shakes his head.

"I'd never been disappointed in you, I loved that you told me. I'm so happy for you Patrick." I had a smile upon my lips, as I saw my papa wipe his eyes. "Are you happy?"

"Yeah I think I am." I smile, taking a breath. "I'm just nervous, what if I'm not like you." I loved and idolised my papa, he's my hero.

My papa touched my cheek. "You'll be even better than me." I shake my head, as I wiped my eyes. "Why?"

"You're the best father." I admit, he shakes his head.

"I let you and your mother in an abusive relationship." He states, looking down. "I knew you were out there but I didn't protect you or Evie." He leaned against his desk.

"Papa, that was different! Those were dangerous times." He shakes his head, I closed my eyes.

"That doesn't mean anything Patrick." Papa continues. "I'm your father, I should have protected you from Louis, I was too busy in my Templar business." Papa paused. "I never saw your birth, I never saw you until you were five, I had to ask your mother what your first word was, I had to ask so much about you because I was too stupid to fight for you and Evie, I left you."

"Everyday for five years, I wondered if you'd have my brown eyes, or your mother's beautiful blue one's." Papa looked up, smiling at me. "Or if you even saw what I already knew." Papa and I never had moments like this, he and I always had a special bond but it was always Templar related.

"I wanted to know if you felt the same way about the sea as I did. The way a breeze would hit against your face, and blew through your hair." I chuckled, I definitely loved the sea and loved the morrgian. "I had to wait five years to know that." He paused.

"What are you saying?" I knew what he meant but I wanted him to say it.

"A father shouldn't have to wait that long to know his own blood." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "If he's anything like you, you'll know how to be a father to him."

"I'll guess, we will have to wait and see." Papa chuckles lightly, before pulling me in for a brief hug.

"Why are you comparing yourself to me?" He pulled back. "Parenting is hard, your mama did most of it." He paused.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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