1760: One last Night

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"Are we taking the Morrigan?" I asked my husband as he helped me with packing. Shay didn't speak, he hasn't spoke since he came back from Haytham "Darling, why don't you talk to me?" I asked placing the book down in the chest reading to be take out. "Shay? Have I done something that's made you be mad at me?"

"Evie, I'm not angry with you." He sighs looking at me. "I'm angry with me, I let my judgment get the better of me, he's our grandmaster! At the end of the day I've crossed the line." He stated, turning back to the bookshelf.

"Hey face me." I smile, placing my hands on his face. "You didn't do anything wrong, you were angry and that's perfectly fine." He removes my hand from his face.

"Why do I feel terrible about it?" He states sitting down on the chest filled with our clothes. "Because Evie I feel terrible." He looks up.

"I hate that feeling!" I chuckled trying to cheer him up. It's been a rough couple of days for us both and the last thing we want or need is this. "You didn't do anything wrong, so stop beating yourself up about it." I begged.

Shay was about to say something when Jacob knocked on the door. "We're ready Shay." I faced Shay who smiled looking at Jacob, standing up in front of me. "Whenever you guys are." I looked at my twin and my husband with a confused look. I didn't know what was going to happy and I wasn't too sure about it.

"Evie, I have a surprise for you." Shay smiled looking at me offering his hand. I took it and he led me out of the bedroom and into the hallway.

"What a change?" I asked confused. One second ago, we were just trying to realise Shay's errors. "What's going on?" I asked again as he leaned in and kissed my lips. "Ah." I smiled, knowing he did it to just shut me up, I didn't know what was going on but he was here and I was happy with that.

"Close your eyes darling." I nod, closing my eyes. As I did he gives me another kiss once he places something over my eyes. "Jacob." He called, then I suddenly hear the sounds of steps coming along the hallway. "I have to leave you with Jacob." I nod, as Shay hands my hand over to who I assume was Jacob. "I'll see you in a moment."

I rushed downstairs and outside where everyone was, including Haytham. We had everyone here with us, it was our last night in America and at this headquarters. Patrick was playing with his younger siblings when I walked outside. "Are you ready son?" I asked him as he helped Florence's hat back on. "Good, hey buddy. Thank you so much for all of your help. I'm so blessed to have a son like you." I smiled, giving him a kiss.

After I thanked Patrick I walked around the side of the fort and saw everyone gathering. We had a everything sorted and with only four hours to so this in I would say I did a pretty decent job. "Shay." I hear Clara, who smiled. "You're wearing that?" She asked looking at my outfit, I smiled nodding.

"Yeah this is Evie's favourite attire." I told her. "I thought I'd wear this." I smiled, knowing full well she wouldn't be happy about me wearing the attire I always wear. "Because this is for her, I want her to have some decent memories and I don't know how this will go, because of recent events. I just hope she understands this has a way for me to tell her how much I love her." I vented, Clara places her hand on my arm.

"I think all the gods in the world, would know how much you both love one another. Evie is going to love it." Clara smiled. "I'm going to I help her dress." She smiles again walking away from me. I let out a breath of air as I made my way down to the water.

"Not long now." I smiled as I turned around waiting for the love of my life to appear.

I knocked on the door and Jacob opened it. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked walking inside.

"Making sure nothing goes wrong." He smirked, giving me a kiss. "However, now you're here I'm sure you can cope." I nod, pushing him outside.

"Can someone just tell me what is going on?" Evie asks trying to take off her blindfold. "And why can't I see what's happening?" I rushed over to her pulling the blindfold back down.

"It's a surprise and I won't be the one that destroys it." I could tell how annoyed Evie was knowing she's not allowed to know.

"Alright! Okay." She held her hands up as I asked her to stand up. "Alright."

"Trust me what is about to happen is going to make you love your husband even more." I smile, as I pulled out a dress from her wardrobe. "Especially when you see this." I told her smiling as I turned around seeing her sit on the chair in front of the mirror. "You know you're incredibly lucky to have a man like Shay." I smile, know how lucky we both were at matches.

"I know! I had a terrible marriage to Louis and knowing that what I have with Shay is everything I've always wanted I feel complete." She admits, as I helped her stand up.

"How are you feeling about moving to France?" I asked, obviously Jacob and I will be following. "It's going to be a big change." I continued as I helped her out of her corset. "I've traveled to the other side of the world for Jacob, I'm about to go back to the other side of the world where my mother is. Who by now would have heard about my marriage to Jacob."

"Why does your mother disapprove on Jacob?" Evie as as she placed her hands on the bed frame as I tighten her new corset.

"Money! When I first met Jacob was barely grown he's older than me obviously." I paused. "I had pigtails in my hair with black ribbons at the bottom." I chuckled. "I was obsessed with him, we met as he wanted support in his quest to liberate London, but I wanted his help to liberate the child working in the factories."

"So that's how you too met?" Evie asked, letting a chuckle escape her lips. "How cute."

"It was a match made in heaven and we started working together. Over the years, we become quite close and I fell so badly in love. I didn't realise until eight years later that he was crazy about me too."

"Well I'm going to have to break a rule but I need you to remove your blindfold." I complained as she removed the blindfold looking at herself in the mirror. "What do you think?"

Evie stood there in front of the mirror. "I've never looked this beautiful! Not since my weddin, well not even then." She wore a red corset with a flowery pattern over the top.

"You look amazing." I smiled. "Jacob?" I shout, she turns around seeing Jacob. "I think it's time for Evie to walk down the aisle." Evie looked between us. "Jacob would you like to do the honours?" I asked stepping aside as Jacob walked over to his twin sister with his arm around.

"I'd be honoured." He smiles looking at Evie. "Sister, would you allow me to give you away?" Evie looks between us again.

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