1757: A Year Fight

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"Why are you doing this to me, brother?" Jacob asked as I tied him to a chair.

"Why did she take you, why didn't she take all of us." I asked, I wanted answers I deserved answers. "You have no idea how badly we were treated because of her selfish decision." I spoke.

"She wanted to take you! I told you, she had no choice this was the only way to keep us all alive." He spat blood out, I shook my head.

"There is always another way." I shout.

"No, this time there wasn't. Mother had no choice, Father would have killed one of us that was the reason." He shouts as I throw my hand up ready to punch him.

"No." I paused, as I punched him.

"No, you have no idea because you don't love anyone! You don't have children." Jacob shouts. "Father was going to kill the second baby, I was that second baby! I could have died how then do you think mother would have felt?"

"Evie was beaten throughout her childhood, she was disowned to nothing! Father, hated her and I had to take his raft to protect my sister." He looked surprised, mouth opened.

"It should have been you! You should have been in her place, Evie didn't deserve his beatings." I shouted, I was hurting.

"You think I don't think about that? I thought about it every day since I learnt the truth. I would have replaced Evie, I can take the pain." I shook my head.

"When mother died! I wasn't there, none of us were." He adds on.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"In London, I was halfway across the world!" He admits as a tear fell down his cheek. "Don't tell me I know, I wish she'd killed me so she could protect Evie!" I threw another punch.

"You have no right to say that! Where the fuck are your scars?" I shout. "This one is from his boot, this one is from an iron, this one is from a pan and this one is from his whip." I spoke, as I pointed to each visible scar, each one in defence of Evie.

As I leaned back I saw the assassin symbol. "Are you a part of the brotherhood?" He nodded.


Shay and I reached the building where we knew that Jacob was being held. I hid behind the wall looking around to see if there weren't any guards and there wasn't a single person outside. "Shay something isn't right, there aren't any guards outside!" I turned and saw him.

Shay stepped back and climbed up a wall. "I thought so when we were running in. I reckon we should go through the roof." Shay said as he helped me up onto the roof, it was hard to do but we got there in the end. "Evie, if it goes sideways in there." I shook my head no and held him in my arms for a few seconds and pulled away.

"You and I are going in together and we will leave together." I assured him and was about to give him a passionate kiss when I heard a voice.

"Well if it isn't Evie and the cabbage patch, well it's nice to see that you're together." Shay pulled me behind him. "We thought you'd be brought into our little trap" Chevalier spoke as he shot the loose wood that we were standing on making Shay and I fall through the roof, I landed on my stomach.

"Evie?" Shay asks, I held my stomach then put my hand on my pussy. "Is the?"

I nodded, I didn't feel anything, I felt no blood. "I think she's fine." I assured him, as he helped me up.

"Well Shay, what has it been five years?" Shay just smirked at Hope's statement. I pulled out my sword and dagger, while Shay engaged his blades. "You betrayed your entire family for a man who never knew you existed." I turned to face Hope.

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