1758: Families For How Long?

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"You are now a Templar." I smile as I annulled Jacob into the Templar order, alongside Shay and Evie. "Now to your first mission." I leaned against the table. "We know where it is, and we know that the assassins are close to retrieving it so your mission Jacob is to stop Hope from receiving it," I ordered. "Shay you'll accompany him," I ordered looking at Evie and Shay who stood beside one another.

"Evie, are you alright?" I asked as I saw her hold tightly upon the table. "Would you like to sit?" She nods and Shay helps her sit and we turn back to business. "What can you tell me?" I asked as she leaned forward to point to the map that was on the table.

"It's only three left, right? Liam, Hope and Achilles." I nodded confirming it. "Right so with three of them they're going to be more resourceful, we know Liam is gone to Boston! So, she'll have her men located in the area of which her mansion stands." I nodded along with what she was saying. "Jack and Jacob should be here, as they're the best snipers we have right now!" Evie points to the point on the map. "They're expecting that and that's how we defeat them, they'll try and do their assassin ways!" I chuckled. "But if Shay comes in while they're expecting Shay to be up with Jack and Jacob, that will leave hope unguarded." Evie paused taking a breath, nodding as we all did. "That's the best route." She continued pointing to the strategy route.

"Mrs Cormac is right sir! If we take this route it will cause a distraction for Shay." Jack agreed facing me, I faced the rest looking at everyone as they nodded in agreement.

"Well, that's our route! Alright, we have the launcher thanks to Jack, we will complete this mission today! Shay, Evie's rules apply to both you and Jacob and Clara! No longer than five minutes." I demanded as I closed the meeting.

"Good luck Shay! Look after him for me?" Evie asks as she begs him to watch over her brother.

"Yeah, I will! I love you." Shay returned. "He's serious he will only give you five minutes." Jacob didn't waste a second and walked out of the room.

I watched the two in front of me, they're aware of the situation and I know that this might cause some problems for them both as I know that Evie wants to stay a templar. It's just that I can't let a child grow up without a mother, I know that a child can survive without a father, but I know that I wouldn't have been able to survive without my mother as much of a weak woman she was but she still loved me and provided me with my education in away, if you can call being passed onto Birch parenting.



"I wanted a husband and I wanted a family. However, marriage to a templar isn't all that it seems to be. How are you doing?"  Evie asked as we started peeling potatoes. "I wish I could be out there with them but orders are orders and I must follow them." She continues, she wasn't like the women I grew up with, she was a woman who knew her mind and would defy anyone's wishes. However, she'd never stand up to Haytham. I get that he's her grandmaster or whatever, but since I've known her she's not bowed down to the men in her life.

"Is everything alright Evie?" I asked as I peeled another potato. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked looking at her in full concern. I didn't want her to feel like she wasn't in a loveable marriage, she meant much to both Shay and Jacob, she had children with Shay, and she's successfully made sure that his line would continue.

"Sorry, it's just that I've barely seen him since I was ordered to motherhood." She paused. "I love Shay, and when he's not here I'm in constant fear of his life, what will happen to me and the children if he's not around. It's not like I can go out and work, I'm a woman, we don't have the same luxury." I nodded in agreement. "I just wish that I could go with him with the kids just so I know that he's safe and not in danger." She admits as she turns seeing Patrick and placing the knife down and taking Florence from Mary.

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