1777: United Colonies

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I made my way up the steps, looking ahead at the rope that dangled down. Everything I felt turned into fear and sadness. I stood for a moment looking at the rope, tear falling down my cheek. "Move it." I felt a nudge, forcing me to get moving.

I suppose the best thing about it was oils be my neck would snap but would still be attached. I've seen two hanging's in my time and I've never seen anything like the people in here. "SILENT!" I look in the direction of the executioner. "EVELYN CORMAC YOU ARE HERE BY SENTENCED TO DEATH." I gulped as I stood behind the rope looking at it.

My husband and my family were in the crowd. I found them, I saw the tears in my husband's eyes. "YOU WILL HANG UNTIL DEAD." I gulped once more, my eyes looking at my brother and sister in law, giving them a smile.

I felt the rope around my neck. My eyes moved to Shay's I watched Jacob hold him. Shay turned back to face me, tear falling down his cheek. Tears falling down my cheeks, my eyes fixed upon Shay. I wanted him to be the last thing I saw before I left this earth.

"Do you have any last words?" He asked, I nodded. He nodded and stepped back.

"I love you Shay." I cried looking down at my husband. "So much." I looked down, not brave enough to face him, but not brave enough to not look at him. "Take care of them, get her out of here." I finished, looking at him giving him a nod. He shook his head, I smiled nodding.

"EVELYN CORMAC YOUR DEATH WILL BE NOW CARRIED OUT." I closed my eyes and looked back at Shay, who stood there, trying to get past the guards.

Patrick hurry up, was all I kept thinking about. Patrick was the only one who had the evidence to prove her innocence. Haytham had stayed back and protected Florence, Jacob SNR and Clara were the only ones there with here, I didn't want my boys to be here incase this didn't work.

I can't lose Evie, I couldn't bare the thought of her being in a hole in the ground. Liam is only just on the mend, fourteen days he's laid in bed. I spent fourteen days sitting beside him, while my wife rotted in a prison cell. My daughter only being home for two days, if Evie dies our family will be pulled part.

I'll lose the air I need to survive and my children lose their mother. "NOOOO." I shout, not wanting to wait any longer, I'll do anything to save my wife, even if it means sacrificing myself. "NOO EVIE!" I screamed, pushing past the soldiers, using my darts to weaken them. I slid underneath two soldiers, throwing a sleep dart at a few of them in front of me. "EVIE!" I shout as the executioner pulled the trapdoor causing Evie to fall.

"NO EVIE!" I shout once more, looking at Jacob. "JACOB HOLD EVIE." I shout as I reached the steps.

"Oh my." I hear Clara fall, causing the crowd to rush to her side. I rushed towards Evie, pulling my dagger and sword out. I see Jacob holding up his twin, I stood in front of her cutting the rope.

Evie coughed and climbed up. I helped her up, sword drawn preventing the executioner and the surrounding guards from coming towards Evie. Evie wrapped her arms around my legs as I stood with my sword outstretched.

The executioner came towards me with and the other guards pulled their swords and tried to take Evie from me. "I WOULDN'T DO THAT IF I WERE YOU." I paused, with a face full of anger. "I MADE A VOW TO PROTECT AND IF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP ILL RUN YOU THROUGH." I shout once more, looking at both them.

Both of them made a step closer. I hear Evie catch her breath, I was now in defensive mode. "IF EITHER ONE OF YOU TAKE ONE MORE STEP, I PROMISE YOU, YOU'LL BE GIVING EXECUTIONS IN HELL." I warned.

"She is sentenced to death." I shake my head. "I will kill her at your feet." He spoke, pulling up his axe.

"IM NOT JOKING AROUND IF YOU LAY A SINGLE HAND ON HER ILL CUT THEM OFF." I responded, seeing my son in the crowd with the head of the soldiers. "YOU WON'T KILL MY WIFE, I PROMISE YOU THAT." I continued.

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