1776: History Always Repeats Itself

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We got thrown into the cell, mama held me behind her as she blocked me into a corner. We were the only women in the cell we were in, I didn't know what was going to happen. I just wanted to be at home wrapped in my lover's arms, safe and secure. "What's happening mama?" I whispered, as I shivered from fear and the cold breeze blowing through the window, or tiny hole in the upper part of the wall.

"I don't know Florence, but just stay close." She demanded, I nodded as mama eyed everyone in the cell we shared. "If you stay away from us, we will stay away from you!" She bargained with the other prisoners. "Is that a fair enough deal?" She asked, I see a few of them nod and go back about their business, however one of them in the corner must have recognised mama and charged forward.

"Mama!" I screamed covered my head, I leaned down as mama guarded me from the charge. "Mama?" I whispered, she looked around holding a stool.

"If anyone tries to come near me or my daughter I promise you I will kill you." She demanded in a sternly tone. "Is that understood?" She continued, facing the gentleman in front of us. "Whatever you have against me, you'll wait until my child isn't here!" She continued, he had an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"Yeah whatever." He groans in annoyance, I smiled looking at mama. She was always protective of us and she was always a hero to me. "But I promise you, I will have you and husband's head." He spoke, pointing at Mama.

"Don't worry, we will be waiting!" She replied, throwing the stool aside.

I rushed up to my wife's cell, where Evie and Florence sat were being held. "Evie!" I shouted as I leaned against the bars, Florence and Evie looked over in my direction. "Oh my, are you alright?" I asked, touching my wife's face. "They didn't hurt you did they?" I asked turning to face my daughter, looking at her placing a hand on her cheek.

Florence shook her head in no and as she did a sigh of relief washed over me. "Thank god," I whispered holding them through the gaps of the cell bars. "Oh thank goodness."

"Papa, you don't believe what we've been accused of." I shake my head in no, placing both hands on my daughter's cheeks. "What about Haytham?" I shake my head, looking at her confused. "He was there when they charged me." I held her as close as I could.

"I promise I'll get you out of here my darling, I promise." I smiled pulling back from her, kissing her on her forehead. Evie placed her hand on Florence's shoulder. "Haytham is more than a family friend to this family, he's the only one I trust right now." Florence smiled, I turned to face Evie. "I need to get Jacob on this, I need people I trust right now." Evie nodded, she knew I'd do anything to get them out.

"Darling girl, why don't you get some rest, we will be here for a while. I need a moment with your papa." She instructs, I give my daughter one last kiss on the forehead before she goes back to the broken bed that is barely functional. "Shay," Evie whispers as I turn to her, holding her hands through the bars.

"Has anyone tried anything?" I asked, looking around at the men. "I saw one of our missions in here, has he tried anything?" She nods, and mouths 'revenge'. I sighed knowing what could happen, I needed to get them out quick.

"I promise I'll get you both out, I won't stop until you're both safe back in my arms." The gap between the irons was wide enough for us to kiss. I tried my best to hold her close, I wanted to take her and Florence out of here, but I couldn't it would kill us all.

Evie pulled back. "You've protected me enough, my love," Evie speaks, I looked into her eyes, seeing an ocean of sadness. "Promise me if you can't save us both that you make sure that nothing happens to Florence."

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