1757: The Grandmaster Of The Order

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"Thats the whole story!" I nodded in response, Shay looked at Evie for a second before looking back at me.

"You've been in love since your assassin days?" I asked them both as they nodded, Evie sat up, with the help of Shay. "Evie please sit!" Evie nodded, as she sat back down on the bed.

"We know we should have told you! But, what I thought was she's my wife and a Templar." I nodded understanding what he was saying. "I don't want to lose her, not while she's like this." I continued to nod as Shay spoke.

"I understand." I hear the breath of relief from both of them. "I've got a mission for you, I think you'll be interested." I stated, leaning against Shay's desk.

"What are our orders sir?" A weak Evie asked.

"Evie I'll go alone!" Evie shook her head. "You can't even stand!" Shay reminded Evie.

"You are to go to New York! You are to find out where Adéwalé is, Liam and Hope are gathering sources in New York! Charles and myself believe he's there." I ordered. "If you find Adéwalé in New York, I want him dead, he's obtained an artefact that is important to the Templar cause." I explained.

"If Adéwalé isn't in New York! Figure out where he is." I said looking at them all. "Evie, you will stay here! If you won't listen to your husband, then you will listen to me." I demanded.

I was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. "Apologies but captain New York is sighted." A young gentleman announced.

"Who might you be young man?" I asked, looking at his features.

"Ahh sir this is my brother Jacob." She winced. "My twin brother."

"You don't say! Haytham Kenway pleasure to meet you." I nodded, he returned my greeting with a smile. "God you do look like your sister." I looked between Shay and Jacob. 

"Thank you Jacob tell Gist to make dock." He nods and leaves the room.

"Excuse me sir, but Shay can you help me change my bandages." I noticed that her wound was much more concerning then I first realised.

"Can I ask?" I asked, Evie removed one bandage.

"I lost my child, and Liam ordered it to be removed." I noticed the expression on Evie's face. "They cut me open." She continues.

"Deepest apologies Mrs Cormac."


We reached the New York docks. "Ahh Gist who's house is that?" I asked, as I see a house over looking the water.

"That's the main Templar base, also know as Shay's." Gist whispered.

"Also who was that man with Shay and Evie?" I continued.

"That's the grandmaster of the Templar order Haytham Kenway." He continued whispering. "I'm not suppose to tell you this so if you have further questions wait until he leaves." I nodded as he told me to shut up basically.

"Farewell Gist." Haytham bids Gist, I nod in his direction as I did before. He looks back and walks off the Morrigan.

"Gist, Jacob meet inside the base." Shay calls. "With Patrick, I must get Evie to a surgeon." Shay shouts carrying Evie in his arms off the ship and down the docks.

"Speaking of Patrick where is he?" I asked Gist who just smirked.

"He's pretending to be drunk on milk with the crew." Gist pointed as we saw some crew members drunk on the deck. I looked down watching them, Patrick had a smile on his face as he copied what the drunken sailors did.

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