1760: Boston

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I sat on the bench listening to the men in front of me. We were in Boston, and Liam had become more and more irritating. He's not been in the same place for a longer period than three days and I was starting to get very annoyed at this whole thing. I haven't seen my wife in a year, I haven't seen my children in a year, it's been a back-and-forth, wild goose chase and I was back and thought between the North Atlantic and Boston.

Every day it's been a constant battle, every day, I wake up months, days, possibly years away from the woman I love. I got up blades out when I heard where they said Liam was. "Shay?" They asked, I nodded and ran my blade into their throat.

"Thank you for letting me know where Liam is." I smiled, watching the civilians run away from me. I saw the guards, I chuckled and turned and climbed on the rooftops and made my escape.


We were aboard the Morrigan. I sat at my desk as I sent Christopher to check if Liam was at the place. As I did, I looked at the painting I had done of Evie and Patrick before I left. This was the only thing that kept me going for an entire year. It's all becoming too hard, I promised myself that I'd do this but looking at this picture knowing that this game of cat and mouse wasn't working with me anymore. Liam had to be stopped, and I wanted to do it as soon as possible.

"Captain?" I looked up from the portrait of Evie and saw Christopher. "Liam is there, are we to go along with the plan?" I nodded getting up from my seat.

"Make sure his ship isn't sea worthy do whatever you can to prevent him from sailing away back to the North Atlantic, we will kill him tomorrow, we must do this first." I ordered.

"Yes Shay." Christopher nodded, as he once again started captaining the ship. In the last few months I've not been a captain to the men nor a knight of the order but a heartbroken husband, depressed father and a desperate soul.

"You know what to do Christopher." I decided to get up and watch them from a distance making sure the orders were followed.


I heard a explosion from the harbour. I rushed out of the cabin and up towards the ships wheel, pulling out my spyglass. "Well done Christopher." I smile, as I was surprised that he completed the request. "Well done indeed."

I was in the North Atlantic absolutely freezing. My family back home in New York! I was sent here by Haytham to guard the site from the Assassins, we hadn't know about this site for long, Shay had sent word to Evie to tell Haytham where the site was.

So I was stuck in the freezing cold watching the harbour like a hawk. I've updated my attire, I was no longer wearing the black and purple leather coat that I've been wearing, I was now wearing the skin of a polar bear.

I've had the leather coat since I was sixteen so I've made sure to keep as it is, but using it as a blanket or a pillow or cover. "Jesus Christ it's freezing, it would have been beautiful if it wasn't fucking freezing." I complained as I breathed into my hands to keep them from falling off.


My Darling Shay,

We were meant to be married by now! Why haven't you come back, I thought we had something Shay. I went to your residence and a woman was there, I thought it might have been a family relative. Oh how I was wrong, you told me you loved me.

Was she the one you used to talk about? Why would you want someone who was married before whereas me I was nor will I ever marry, I love you Shay! Please come and see me when your back, she said you were away on business.

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