1760: A Cold World

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Evie rushed off the Morrigan when we arrived back at the fort. "Oh, my sweet children." I heard her when she bent down to meet the children, I walked over not expecting my eldest son to engulf me in a hug, I held him so tight almost squeezing him.

"Papa, I'm so sorry!" I shake my head leaning down to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry papa." I wiped his tears away looking at him.

"It's alright son! I'm back now, I promise this time I will never leave you again." I smile as Patrick nods as I see my twins walk with the help of Evie.

I turned my face to watch them walk over to me. "Oh my." I smiled watching my little girl and boy walk towards me.


We arrived inside in the sitting room. "Excuse me." Evie whimpers, walking away and upstairs, as Haytham walks in with Jacob.

"Is it done?" Jacob asks as he watched Evie walk up the stairs.

"Yes." She replied. "Excuse me."

"I just killed my best friend! I killed my brother, I killed my wife's brother and I don't feel a single thing." I admit, as Mary took the kids out. "Why is that?"

"I don't know Shay, but your wife needs you! The Templar order needs you, I need you to get that box." Haytham ordered. "But for now, just rest up." I nodded, walking towards the Templar assassination board.

I grabbed the feather from the ink pot and used it to cross out Liam's name. "Le Chasseur, Adéwalé, Kesegowaase, Chevalier, Hope." I paused looking at Jacob who nodded. "And finally Liam." I had a tear fall down. "My band of brothers, gone."

"What about Achilles?" Charles asked standing between Haytham and Jacob.

"Evie shot Achilles." I admit, crossing his name of the list. "They're all gone."

"I never thought loosing you would be so hard." I whispered as I watched my reflection in the window. "I loved you Liam, I promise." I watched a tear crawl down my cheek.

I closed my eyes briefly seeing Liam's face. I saw his last breath, I watched the light from his eyes fade. I never thought missing him would happen. I hated him but when I saw his moments become short, all that hatred, all that anger I felt for him left. In that moment he was just my brother, he was my big brother.

"Evie?" I saw my husband standing behind me. "Can I?" I turned around looking at him, I saw his face, I saw him, I saw him cry, I saw the hurt in his eyes, I saw him vulnerable. "I'm sorry."

"Shay, darling!" I had tears in my eyes, I couldn't see. My vision was blurred, my heart, was broken. My body was numb!

Shay and I walked to one another. He held me in his and I held him in mine, we were locked in our embrace. "I want another child." I begged. "I want to have another child to keep my promise to Liam." I placed my hand on Shay's face.

"I need that Shay!" Shay nods, leaning in to kiss me.

"What if the child we have isn't a boy?" I shook my head. "Evie." He whispers, I didn't let him continue.

"Take me now Shay." I begged.



"Haytham you're never going to see her again. Just tell her how you feel." I hyped myself up, I was going to tell the second woman I loved, I loved her and I loved her deeply.

"Mrs Cormac?" I asked as I knocked on the door to her room, she shared with Shay. "It's Haytham can I come in?" I waited for her to say something she allowed for me to come in.

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