1767: Northern & Western Ties

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"Alright good footwork!" Papa smiles as we circle one another. "Keep your sword in front and move your body." He instructs, I turn to face my mama, who looked nervous. "Already?" Papa asked as he charged forward and I blocked his attack moving my body forcing papa to step back.

"Excellent Patrick." Mama smiles, I turn to face her but papa ended up forcing me to the ground. "Rule number two son, don't take your eyes of your enemy even in training." Papa removes his sword and I stand up.

"Even when it's your father and mother training you." I smiled, mama came over to me she had my baby brother her arms. "Just remember what your papa has taught you, you're extremely talented with the ways of the sword. You're going to be a great Templar my son." Mama smiles. "Shay, don't keep him out too long, it's getting late and he's has to go and see uncle Jacob tomorrow for parkour lessons." Mama reminded papa.

"Yeah I'm very aware of that." He spoke sticking his tongue out at mama. "I don't need reminding of what happened last time." I chuckled as I remembered the last time papa was teaching me parkour. "Aye, you Patrick may be good with a sword but however you still have a lot of work to do." He warned, I nodded. Papa was a great teacher, I've really learnt a lot from him and I hope I can continue to learn more from him.

"Alright son, ready for a match?" He asked. I stood aside like papa taught me when preparing for a duel. "En garde." I smiled.

"Thanks for the warning papa." My papa just laughed and charged forward.

I snuck out of the house to see Benedict. "I wasn't followed." I confess, as I reached our meet up point. "I promise." I continued.

"Alright come through." Benedict smiled as I sat besides him in our secret spot by the ocean in the rocks.

We've been friends for a while and our families haven't always seen eye to eye but we like one another and we're very close. "How have you been?" He asked as we sat at the caves entrance watching the waves crush against the rocks.

"Good, papa is still teaching Patrick about being a Templar, Jacob and I are still too young for the older and well Liam is only four." I turned to face my friend. "You?"

"Oh nothing much really." He spoke throwing a rock into the waves. "Father is out at an event with who will be my next step mother." He admits, rolling his eyes. "You're lucky you know." He spoke.

"Why?" I asked placing my head against my knees.

"Because you have both your mother and father." He admits, as a fear falls down his cheek. "Who are in love with one another." I nodded.

"I am lucky in a way Benedict." I smiled. "I've got an both parents, brothers, uncles in America but they're still family." I admit smiling as I thought about how lucky I actually was.

"Yeah!" He sighs. "Has your brother been indoctrinated into the order?" He asked. "I mean, it's not going to be long until he is."

"No, he's still training! Besides I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into." I paused. "My father is still trying to find the gang that hurt my aunt. My uncle hasn't stopped and I fear this might be his downfall." I admit to my best friend. "He's not the same apparently, I overheard from an argument my parents were having about it." I continued. "Elliott my cousin was used as bait for uncle Jacob to be drawn in." I paused.

"How hasn't he gotten close?" Benedict asked. "How long has been doing this?"

I shake my head. "I don't know Benedict." I faced him. "It's got to be more than two, I don't know." I forced my eyes to close. "This mission of theirs is tearing my family apart."

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