1757: Sibling Reunion

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"You know what to do Jacob?" I asked again as we reached the building.

"Nope, just avoiding detection!" Jacob lunged up and attacked the guard on the roof.  I smiled, I liked this guy, he's like me.

"Fair enough!" I laughed as I followed suit! "Second floor the middle room." I reminded him but I was obviously was getting there first.

"Yeah, be careful!" I chuckled and climbed over the other side, jumping through a window!

"Stop, why are you saying this." I heard Evie as I landed inside. I needed to get to her, but I needed to do it carefully!

"He wasn't weak! You're weak Liam." Evie shouts again, I gave up on the stealth mission and went in. The sword was raised and the dagger was in my other hand. "He will come and get me." She screamed again, I ran in her direction.

I leaned against the wall listening to her screams. "I'm counting on it." Can't I have one day without these guys getting involved.

"Enough!" Evie screams again. I burst through the door, running towards Liam's back pressing my sword against him.

I heard a scream, I immediately thought it was Evie. I rushed towards the scream and burst through a door, seeing Evie. Shay was already there. "Oh my gosh, Evie!" She looked terrible.

"Get her out of here Jacob!" Shay shouted as he began to fight Liam with swords. "Hurry up!" I rushed towards my sister, uniting her.

"No Jacob! I'm not leaving without Shay." She stops and turns to Shay! "Shay please! Come." She shouts at Shay!

"I said go Jacob." he shouted as he slammed Liam into the wall.

"No, I'm not leaving you! Not again, Liam please for once stop and let him come to me." Evie cried, she was weak and was failing.

"Liam haven't you taken enough from me?" She asks and Liam stops and sheathed his weapons.

"For the love I bare you! Shay you go this one time! But the next time we meet one of us will die." He nodded for Shay to go. Shay nodded back and walked to Evie. "Let them pass! I promise no one will try to stop you." He promised and the surrounding men laid their arms down.


We all reached the ship, Shay carried Evie aboard. "I lost her." I watched them two, they're so in love. "I'm sorry Shay." He sets her down she leans against the railing. "I didn't want her at the beginning, but I fell so in love." She placed her hand on her stomach, we all watched. "We had a girl! She was ripped from me because my obsession got the best of me." I looked down as I felt a tug on my leg, where I saw Patrick, I bent down and grabbed him.

"Patrick, I'll put you back to bed." I walked away and towards the captain's quarters and placed Patrick back in bed.


"Evie, I don't know how to go on." I admit, as we leaned against the railing. Gist was in command, I had husband duties. "How do we go on?" I face down, readying my hands on the railing. "I'm gonna kill him."

"I hate to admit! Without Liam, I'd probably be dead." Evie admits, placing her hand over mine and places her other hand against my lips to prevent me from speaking.

"I don't know how, but we must! Shay, we have another child to protect! Phoebe will never be forgotten." Evie cried, she well we were heart broken. "It won't be easy, but we will! We will help each other." Evie demanded, which brought a smile onto my face.

"Come here." I carefully wrapped my arms around her. "I love you Evie." I kissed her temple as I bent down and picked her up. "Let's put you to rest, come on." I carried her to the cabin, just as Jacob left it. "Jacob, meet me up by the Morrigan's wheel." I asked, he nods and makes his way to the ship's wheel.

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