1761: Cordes-sur-Ciel

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I stood there at the top of the aisle holding into Jacob. I looked down the end of the aisle and saw my husband standing at the other end with Christopher by his side. "He did all this?" I whispered looking at my brother. "But why am I so nervous?" I whispered facing Shay, as we begin walking, I gulped I was nervous.

"It's probably because you've never had a wedding where you're marrying the man you love." He responds holding my hand. "Evie Shay loves you, he loves all of you and he wanted to do this because we've all had a terrible few days and this well brings everyone together." He chuckles as he stops in front of Shay exchanging his hand for Shay's. "Besides you guys were married in a bed! You never had a chance to walk down the aisle." He kisses my cheek before turning to Shay.

"Look after her for me! She's more than special to me." He pauses. "She's my only sibling left." He smiles as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I'm going to be your brother in law soon Jacob." Shay let goes of my hand and pulls Jacob in for a hug. "You've always been my brother, weather it was brother in arms or brothers by blood. You'll be a brother to me." Shay pulls back and take my hand and turns to face the father.

"I hope this was okay to do, my love." I turn to face him. "I wanted you to walk down the aisle at least once to me." He whispers as the father spoke from the bible.

"Excuse me father would you pause for a second I want to say something." Shay interrupted, I turned and faced him concerned.

"By of course my son." Shay rolled his eyes and pulled out his dagger and held it up. "My darling, my wife, I vow to you that my heart will only love you! I vow that if I never fall for another woman, I want you to pierce my heart with this blade." He places his blade back, taking my hand again. "I love you my darling."

"Alright Shay, do you Shay Patrick Cormac, take thee Evie O'Brien to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He father asked.

"Fuck yes!" He folded his lips in for what he said. "I mean yes I do father, forever and always."

"Evie O'Brien do you take Shay Patrick Cormac to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me, as Shay and I held hands.

"Absolutely, I do." I smiled turning around to face my husband.

"By the power vested upon me, I now pronounce you once again husband and wife. Shay you may now kiss your bride." Shay smirks and pulls me in, bending me down and giving me a kiss, he pulled away slight.

"My wife, even sounds better the second time." He smiles and did I and we shared a very passionate kiss.

Three Months Later
January of a new year, this marks the fourth year anniversary of me and Evie being back together. We started off in America, now we're half way across the world in France.

We have been in France for two months now.  My wife and I were now living in a small village in Cordes-sur-Ciel. I became quite popular in the village that I've become a leader.

The children are growing up too fast. Jacob and Clara are now living in the neighbouring street, a whole month on a ship with him was a nightmare, we have three kids and Evie is up all day and all night with them. I help where I can but I don't have much of a relationship with with my children because of my work, you know with the order that the connection between myself and especially the twins is almost nonexistent.

"Florence." I smiled as my daughter walked into the study where I was sorting out old maps for the manuscript box that I've been assigned to. "That's it." I smile as I watch my daughter walk towards me with the help from Evie.

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