1758: Letters Get Us Through

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Shay has been gone for nine months, I know that, because I'm nine months pregnant. During the last nine months, I've become so protective.

The last child I carried was taken from me and I'll be damned if this one is also taken from me. "Mama, how long?" Patrick asked as we sat in the garden soaking up the sun. "Not much longer I hope." I smiled as I turned my head back to face the port.

Patrick has been attending the school! With the help of Haytham, he's no longer needing me as much, now he's made friends at school.

It has been six weeks since we last saw Haytham, I think he was on a mission or something, I don't know he's the grandmaster.

He's made arrangements keeping some red coats around the house as Shay wanted. "Mistress?" I turn seeing Mary, she handed me a letter and with her help, I got up from the ground.

"You shouldn't be doing that while your with child." She states, I gave her a look and she backed off.

"Could you watch Patrick for me." I asked she nods, I walk inside opening the letter, when there was a knock at the door. I opened the large red door which revealed the postman.

"Mrs Cormac?" I nodded as he handed me a few more letters and small parcels. I thanked him and gave him a penny for his delivery and he tilted his hat as a thank you, as I closed the door.

I leaned against the door holding the small parcel in front of me. "What did you do Shay?" I asked as I carried the parcels into the sitting room.

I loved receiving parcels, I've always loved when father would get one. I'd always shake the box to hear what it was.

I'd want more than anything to see Shay, but he's been sending me parcels nearly every month, and letters whenever he can.

I've told him that I was with child and he's trying hard to get home before I give birth! He's always regretted not being there when Patrick was born.

I sat on the couch beside the window that would be looking over the yard, smiling at my son who ran around with his friend. "Soon, hey?" I whispered as I placed my hand on my large stomach.

I turned back to the letters and opened them without hesitation, reading in his handwriting.

To my darling wife,

Words cannot express how badly I want to be home. I've not slept all I think about is that night we last shared where Patrick laid in our protective embrace. That was almost a year ago, I can't forget that night, it's a constant memory I see in my mind.

Jacob is your twin but he definitely is the ugliest one of the two of you. However, I see you in Jacob, but nine months of just seeing Jacob I want to see my wife, hold you in my arms.

Plans have changed, but have been executed. We've managed to capture the site changing the route for the assassins.

By the time this letter arrives at your doorstep. We won't be far from New York, I love you Evie.

Shay Patrick Cormac.

I would have to get used to this, soon Patrick and I will never see Shay. We've already shared limited time together, since we've been married. "Soon I'll never see you Shay." I smiled lightly as I held the letter close to my chest.

The Finnegan's have become a large part of our family and Patrick considers them his grandparents. Life has turned out a lot better than expected, but now I fear for that happiness being gone.

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