1720: Aoife & Kieren Cormac

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Aoife Cormac

5th January 1720

Diary entry
Here we are the American colonies. We arrived only here for a month, we had nothing to our name. We had a few dollars to our name and one suitcase of clothes.

Kieren my husband was a fugitive from the law. He was wanted all over Ireland, he refused to fight in the battle of Ireland and Wales. We were good Christian folks, we never knew the sword or anything that was related to combat.

So my husband grabbed our possessions and got on the first ship that would take us.

Diary entry end

15th January 1720

Diary entry
We managed to find some lodging, we're staying in a lovely house in the country. We've made some friends but we're still keeping our distance, we're not sure weather people will know, we travel from one side of the world the other to escape war, we needed to be careful.

However, I don't believe how far you go. You can never escape a war! Wars are everywhere you go.

Diary entry end

Kieren Cormac

12th September 1731

Diary entry
I know it's been years! I bet you're expecting my wife, well so did I. I gained a son, Shay Patrick Cormac, but I lost a wife in the process.

I love my son, I do. How can I not, he's sweet, he small and innocent. It was the doctor who was here for the birth, he wasn't even a doctor he was a merchant on my ship with me, he was a fellow sailor.

He said he had medical training! I was stupidly naive to believe it so, now my wife is dead. I can't live in this house, I can't live in the house that she lived in I can't. Everything reminds me of her, he reminds me of her.

Diary entry end

15th June 1732

Diary entry
I left my son with my most trusted friend Cecily O'Brien and her husband John. They had a young son who's a year older than mine, I kissed Shay's forehead I wasn't going to see him for a long time.

I know he's going to be fine. What if something happens to me, what will my son be, what will happen, when I don't come back.

I always had those thoughts when I was leaving my son. I will come back, I always do and I always am grateful that I do, I loved my son and I know Aofie would have loved him too, he only a year old not even, and every day I'm grateful that she gave me a son.

We've now moved to the city, unfortunately it's not a good part of the city. We lived in a rough neighbourhood but the O'Brien's had everything, they had a house over looking the harbour, they were so proper that they had servants.

I wanted to give my son that one day, I know I'm never going to get it rich and I know it will be impossible for me to give him everything. But there is no way in this world that I will ever stop trying to be a better man for my son, be a better father to him that my own father was. I want him to wake up and be proud that he's a Cormac.

I hope I make you proud son.

Diary entry end

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