1776: Raise The Dead

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AN: I thought I'd celebrate my birthday with an update.

"We have come to a decision." I looked up at the judges, holding my daughter's hand. "You both shall be executed tomorrow morning at dawn." The crowd cheered, and my daughter squeezed my hand. "You have tonight to say your farewell and to get your affairs in order."

I look up into the crowd, seeing my brother and son in the crowd. "Do you have anything else to say?" The judge asked, looking at me.

"Yes!" I didn't have much left but I won't watch my daughter die. Florence faced me, holding onto me, I heard whimpers. "What you say for me is true." I lied, I needed.

"What's that!" The judge asked looking annoyed. "You have two minutes."

I thanked the judge, looking at my daughter. "I love you and I'll protect you, I promise you." I smiled, giving her a quick hug. The judge became impatient and ordered me to proceed.

"You've got thirty seconds." I pulled from my daughter and faced the crowd.

"What you say of me is true." I continued. "I did plan the assassination on the two monarchs." I paused. "However, my daughter hasn't anything to do with these charges." I paused looking at my brother in the crowd, my one comfort. "She was born to be my servant." I lied once more. "She was brought in to be my servant of young men." I continued, and the crowd believed my false accusations. "She only doing what her master told her to do." I just hope the judge is as stupid as the people in the crowd were.

The crowd believed me. I turned to face the judge who, I believe is falling for this. "Is that the truth of us, does anyone know if these accusations are true?" I turned to look at my daughter, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to tell her everything was going to be alright but I couldn't.

"Yes!" I turn seeing Jacob my brother. "I can provide truths to this." I gave him a look thanking him. "She's my sister, my twin sister and she's telling the truth." I closed my eyes and prayed that Florence would get released. "Florence was a servant, she was only following her master's orders and if she gets hung for following her master's orders, then you're all sentencing her to death, which is against the law of the servant's law." I thanked him, the law wasn't that but everyone knows that the judge who judges these trials aren't exactly lawyers.

"In that case, Florence you're free to go!" The instant relief I had. "Meanwhile, Mrs Evie Cormac you are to hang until death, case dismissed." The judge made the final decision and I turned to Florence, watching her get carried away.

"Mama!" Jacob my son shouts, I mouthed 'Get Shay' I had one night left on this earth and I wanted to spend a moment with my husband.


It wasn't long until I was dragged away from the courthouse and back to the Bastille. "Thank you, Liam," I whispered as I looked up at the sky before being shoved into the back of the van. "Thank you," I whispered once more, my children were safe!

I rushed home behind Uncle Jacob. I saw the doors of the house and burst through them. "PAPA!" I shout, rushing up the stairs behind Uncle Jacob. "PATRICK!" I shout once more, looking down the hall. "PAPA!" I shout, bursting through Papa's study.

I saw Papa standing there, he noticed me and immediately dropped his papers in his hands. "Florence." He rushed over to me and carefully took me in his arms, as soon as his arms were around me, I cried I was home and I was safe, mama sacrificed herself for me. Papa held me protectively in his embrace and I was more than happy to stay in my papa's arms. "I'm so glad that you are safe." He pulled back looking down at me.

I left my papa's arms when I saw Patrick enter the room. "Brother." I cried, rushing into his open arms.

After a moment Patrick pulled back. "Where's Mama?" He asked, I shook my head, I couldn't tell them. I couldn't tell Papa that the love of his life was bound to get executed at dawn.

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