1760: Harder Than I Thought

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I pulled out my sword and dagger when I saw Evie and Shay walk into the western harbour of Boston's harbour. "I told you last time we saw each other that we would be fighting and one of us won't walk out of here alive." I pointed my sword and dagger at the two of them, and Achilles stood beside me.

Shay held Evie's hand as the two of them stood in front of the printer's shop. "I wanted you to be smarter than this Liam. I tried to warn you, warn you all. I don't want to do this Liam." Shay begged removing his hand from Evie's pointing at both me and Achilles.

"You both betrayed the brotherhood, you betrayed me, Achilles, Hope, all of us," I told them both, handing the book to Achilles. "I expect it from Shay, but not from you Evie," I spoke, looking at her, knowing that in the end, I'd have to kill my sister when I protected her for nearly a whole lifetime.

"You shot Shay in the back, you put me through five years of heartbreak, you put me in a marriage where I was abused, you know we have more than the precauser site for us to kill you, Liam." I knew Evie far too well, I could tell that she didn't want to do this either, but she was now the enemy, she was now a Templar they both were.

Evie pulled out her sword and handed it to Shay. "I just want one thing before this happens, Liam." I faced Achilles. "If the battle goes ill, and you win, can you promise me that you won't make Shay suffer, that is all I ask of you." I nodded, pointing my sword at Evie.

"For the love I once bare you." I shed a single tear as I agreed to her demands. "Shay, the only way you're going to get the manuscript is if you kill me." I told him walking closer with my sword raised, as he did the same.

"Let's get this over with." Evie kissed him before he walked forward sword rose. His dagger is in his left hand with his sword in his right. We ran up against one another and our swords clashed, spikes flew off the iron.

The battle started and it was a swing-and-miss before we started placing slashes on one another. "I promised Evie to help make you see the errors of your ways before this happened Liam." Shay spoke as he used the handle of his sword punching it against my shoulder, giving him a restspike. "I hoped you'd see the errors of your ways when I killed everyone."

"You didn't kill hope, she's already heading to the site." I told Shay as our swords clashed again and kept clashing until I kicked Shay in his shin breaking his defence. I slashed his chest ripping his shirt, I lost concentration and Shay kicked my feet knocking me down and making me fall backwards.

Shay threw his weapons aside and climbed on top of me and disarmed me before I had a chance to stab him. "I don't want to kill you but I will if I have to." I laughed in Shay's face balled my fist and punched him in his face with the force that I gave him he fell backwards and I stood up pulling my pistol out and throwing it aside coping Shay's movements.

Shay and I fought hands flew everywhere, we both were extremely skilled in one-on-one combat. I threw Shay over my shoulder and kicked him in his stomach, I was about to kick him again but he rolled over, got up, and pushed me against the harbour master's table, he grabbed my hand pulling me backwards to knee me in the stomach. I used my leg to prevent him from doing it again I kicked him in the stomach forcing him back.

"Why couldn't you just listen to me, Liam." He spoke as he blocked my strike but my knee into his stomach to break his defence. I didn't respond the last thing I wanted to do was talk to him, I wanted him dead and this was taking too long. I faced my pistol, Shay noticed my glance and we fought our way to my flintlock pistol.

"Nooo, Shay watch out." Evie shouts Shay notices before I can, Achilles is holding his pistol pointing it at Shay, the pistol fired and Shay at the last second uses me as a human shield and I feel the bullet hit my shoulder and then feel the ground hit my shoulder.

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