1761: Templar Down

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I held my sister's hand as I watched the coffins go down into the ground. My heart broken, my world had shattered! I didn't just lost everything.

I look over and see my sister with Shay standing behind her, with his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I can't believe I failed." I cried. "I failed." I turned to my sister and pulled her in for a hug. I cried on her shoulder, as I leaned up and watched the small coffin go down on top of the larger one. "You deserved so much more." I whispered, as I pulled away from my sister.

"Jacob we both failed." Evie admits as she pulls back and places her hands on either side. "It was a mission that was bound to fail." She tried to reassure me but I knew that I failed and I got two innocent people killed in the crossfire.

"We should have never done that!" I admit, as more tears fell down. "I just wanted to protect my wife and my child, I never wanted anyone else to get hurt." I continued, my sister wiped my tears. "Hey, it's going to be alright! We will fix this." I smiled at my sister, she gave me another hug, and I felt a hand on my back.

"Jacob?" I turn seeing my wife standing there. "I'm right here and I promise I will help you in anyway that I can." I smile, I gave her a quick kiss and watched the groundskeeper covered the two coffins.

I looked across and saw the wife and mother of the people we killed. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't, I don't think I have any right to do that. I wouldn't want to feel the pain she's feeling right now and me being around would probably make it much worse.

She faced me and I tried my best to not look at her but I couldn't I watched her cry into her father's shoulder. I watched the looks her father gave me, I knew that both Evie and I had made an enemy here. "He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me." The priest spoke from the holy bible, I squeezed my wife's hand harder and she held it to her lips and kissed my hand. "The family will now place the roses on the coffins as they conclude their final farewell."

The wife went first, she walked with two red roses and placed them on the coffin. "I love you both so much! Sébastien watch over our little boy." She cries, I wanted to turn back time and immediately wanted to back and change it. "Please, make sure you still throw ball with him." She cried standing up facing me, and I looked at her as tears fell down my cheek.

Her father came up and he gave me a look and his hand went into his pocket. I looked at him and watched his movements like a hawk. I stood in front of Clara, holding my arm out keeping her behind me. "Stay behind me darling." I demanded as I watched him place a rose down and back to his grieving daughter.

I feel someone leaned in besides my ear. "We have to be careful from now on." Shay whispered.


"What happened?" I asked as we arrived home from the funeral. "Because I know what you told the grandmaster wasn't correct." I gave Jacob a look. "Just tell me, I won't tell the grandmaster, neither of them." I assured my brother in law as I closed the door and pouring him a drink.

"Thanks Shay!" I smiled handing him the drink and proceed to my desk. "I love my wife and when I found out what she went through! All I wanted revenge I never thought that I'd put an innocent man." He paused as he let a tear fall. "Let alone a baby, what have I done?" He poured the drink down.

"What happened tell me everything!" He sighed as he sat in front of my desk. "Jacob I can't help you if you don't tell me." I forced, knowing he'd not tell me.

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