Chapter 11 Nina can sing

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Nina POV

I woke up on the couch again.

So uncomfy.

I thought to myself and remembered.

Ni_no hasn't preformed for a while.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the map of the house I had downloaded.

(Idk if they have one)

I found a studio.

Pop pervert probably used that at some point.

I got up and followed the map to the studio.

I walked in and saw a schedule.

It said the Fuuto would be coming in 3 hours to practice.

Knowing that, I could record and upload my next song in that time. I got the karaoke version I wanted and began preparing.

Got the mike and music ready.

The recorder and stuff and things and switch whatever's were set up and I was ready to go.

I walked into the weird booth ready to go and started.

The music started and I sang each line as well as I could.

After I finished I looked at the side and saw 10 speechless brothers one speechless sister one happy brother and one disgusted brother.

I blushed knowing they must have heard my singing.

No one said anything.
Did they? Think I was bad?

I knew I shouldn't be thinking like this but I felt myself tearing up.

I ran off grabbing the USB the song was on and ran as far away from the brothers as I could.

Louie POV

All of us brothers other then Natsume obviously were sat talking in the dinning room when we heard some music.

We walked down to the studio and saw Nina singing Human.

Her voice was stunning when she sang.

We all stood stunned by her voices sheer beauty.

When she stopped she looked at us and I saw her tear up.

Did she think we didn't like her voice.

I saw her run and grab a USB before running off down the hall.

I looked at the brothers who all went from being speechless because of her voice from being speechless because we may have made her cry.

I ran after her and looked down the halls for her.

I walked and listened to each door in case she just ran into an open one.

I listened to my door and head sobs
I started leaving my door open since Nina started coming to me when she was upset.

I opened the door and saw her crying.

I walked over and went to hug her but she just moved away.

"What's wrong Nii?" I asked looking at her.

"Y-you don't like my s-s-sing do y-you." she sobbed.

"Listen, we all heard you sing and we were speechless because it was so beautiful, some of them had never heard your voice so it was pretty shocking for them." I smiled.

She let me hug her so I hugged her till she calmed down.

I wiped her tear stained cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"C'mon let's go, you need to upload your song to the website right?" I said standing up with her.

She nodded and we walked outside.

We saw the brothers and when they saw us they all bowed.

"We're sorry Nina, we shouldn't have walked in on you like that." Masiomi apologised.

"We're sorry if we upset you." Ukyo continued.

"Your voice is really beautiful, sorry if we made you think otherwise." Hikaru apologised.

"SORRY ONII CHAN!" Wateru said almost crying himself.

They all stood up strait and Nina sighed. "It's nothing just don't bow like that it makes you look stupid, also never speak of this again" she said and Lori translated.

"She said it's nothing and not to now because we look stupid, plus we will never speak of this again."

"Won't hear me talking about this, because I never want to hear anyone's voice who's better then mine." Fuuto smirked.

It was agreed we would never speak of this again however.

This is a memory I'll never forget.


I don't own any characters except my own please support the official release.

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