I. Have I fallen in love?

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So watch the Supergirl and Flash crossover episode. (On Supergirl) The book will be in both POVs mostly Kara's probably though. Also they will be meeting each other A LOT more than in the show. Watch that episode to understand how they met but in this Barry will be at Kara's Earth for longer for like a month or so... so they have time to fall in love. Barry will be staying with Winn.


Kara's POV

I went home thinking about what Barry said. He gave me some really good advice about James and being a superhero, but I don't think I want to be in a relationship with James. I only want to be with Barry now... have I fallen in love with him?

"Oh my Rao!" I say, with a sense of realization.

I mean I love being around him, I can't help but smile. And a bubbly and nervous feeling fills my stomach whenever I'm with him. I've never felt anything like that around James. James just feels like a petty crush now.

"Nonononononononono!" I whine. "He's from a different Earth Kara! Why?"

Barry's POV

As I sat on the bed, getting ready to sleep I thought about my Earth. About Iris and Joe and Cisco and Caitlin and what everyone would be thinking. As I thought about Iris, I thought about how I loved her... but then I realized that I didn't love her, I loved her. I wasn't in love with her anymore.

I started thinking about this Earth. I thought about how awesome Kara was and about how cool this Earth was. I couldn't get thoughts about Kara out of my mind... was I falling in love?

I couldn't stop it! I just kept thinking and thinking about her. 

"But you've only known her for a day Barry!" I quietly scolded myself.

But then my heart started talking, But isn't that more than enough time for such a wonderful person... or alien?

I gave in and found out that no matter which Earth I was on, I would always be in love. This Earth stronger than the other. Instead of trying to stop this much-too-familiar feeling, I embraced it. And I vowed to find out if she felt the same... even though we will be separated. 


Okay so, this is after the time that Barry gave her the advice (scene is in the episode.) Hope you enjoyed. They have fallen in love and will pursue their feelings later... maybe, I won't say when though.

I think I might make this a sad story... well definitely dramatic though. Updates will be whenever I want to.

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