XXVI. We're a Package Deal

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It's been a while since our failed date attempt and Joe noticed the awkwardness between me and Iris.

"Hey Barry, what's wrong with you and Iris?" He asks.

"Um, we had a failed date attempt. She wanted to have one evening without my speed but it didn't work out well," I say.

"Well, you and your speed are a combo pack. You can't have one and not the other. You have to tell her that!" Joe says.

"But what if she doesn't want to go on a date with me if I say that?" I feel nervous.

"She won't change her mind because of that! Now go Barry!" Joe says before shoving me away.

I use Joe's advice and decide to go to ask Iris again.

"Hey Barry!" She says as she spots me walking through the door.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to try that date thing again. And I come with the speed, we're a package deal, can't have one without the other," I say firmly.

She takes a moment to reply but says with a chuckle, "Okay Barry, I will go out with you again."

"Yes," I exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

She starts to laugh and I laugh with her.

I decide to try to do the same thing as last time just without the flowers and awkwardness.

"Hey Iris!" I say as she walks out and towards me.

"Hey Barry, where are we going?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"Same place but I know this time will be better," I say confidently.

"Okay then."

We reach the location and although it is still empty, this date is better. There was no robbery and we were able to finish it. There was no awkward conversation or pauses and it was happy.

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