XXI. I'm Over You

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It's been a long time since I've thought about Barry. I've started liking Mon-el a little, but I don't want to admit it. I mean, a Kryptonian and a Daxamite can't be together!

These thoughts and more litter my brain as I walk to work. I'm whisked off of my feet again. I know who it is and I let out a groan of frustration. As soon as I get over him, he comes back to jumble up my feelings again!

He sets me down in the middle of a field.

"Hey Kara, why were you acting weird the other day?" He asks first.

"Oh I was a little heartbroken but I'm fine now. I swear I'm fine now," I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"I'm over you," I say firmly.

"I just wanted to check. Also is it okay if I ask Iris on a date?" He asks.

"Yeah sure go ahead. You keep living your life and I will be here living mine," I say.

"Okay thanks," he says, speeding away.

I go back to work with a smile on my face. I'm glad that Barry is doing fine. I'm glad that he's gotten over me and I'm glad I've gotten over him. We would both be miserable on different Earths.

I decide that I'll have to tell Mon-el that I have feelings for him. 

Sorry Superflash shippers! 😬 Seems like this book is nearing to an end.

Thank you all for reading and voting. ❤️ Their story isn't quite over yet though. Keep reading and keep voting!

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