XXIV. Oh This Is Worse!

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Today is th day. It's the day that Iris and I go out. I grab a bunch of flowers and put them in the shape of a heart in front of Picture News, where I'm picking her up.

She walks out and stares out, I start to get nervous, "I'm sorry is it too much? It's too much."

I rearrange the roses so it spells out Iris.

"Oh this is worse!" I exclaim, looking at Iris's reaction.

"No Barry it's fine," she says, grabbing my arm.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah Barry. I want to be with you. Not your speed," she says. "One date without the Flash."

"Yeah I can do that." 

We get to the restaurant and I booked the whole place. It was completely empty. She looks at the menu and is surprised by the prices. I tell her to get whatever she wants.

A robbery occurs across the street.

"Go," she says and I go out and stop it.

"Now where were we?" I ask as I come back.

Our phones ding.

"It's from Cisco," I say.

"We should go," she says.

We leave, our date not finished.

I know this wasn't exactly like the one in the show but I did it by memory.

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