IX. I Feel Incomplete Without Her

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Hello! I have a chapter! Enjoy!


Barry's POV

I wake up, groaning. I sit up and think of what has happened in the past few days.

The first thought that forms in my mind is Kara.

I think of what happened. What could have happened if I didn't leave that soon. I think of how she must be. I wonder if she is coping better or worse than me. But the strongest thing I feel is regret.

Regret that I left early.

Regret that I got so involved.

Regret that I broke her heart.

But one thing that definitely won't change is that I miss her and I feel incomplete. 

I try doing everything like normal but the burden of grief holds me down. Being truly happy now seems impossible. More impossible than super speed. I am hunched down, I am not the same and that doesn't go by unnoticed.

"Allen!" Captain Singh shouts.

"Yes?" I ask, slowly trudging to his office.

"I need you to give me the files for the last case," Captain Singh orders.

"Yes sir," I say enthusiastically.

"What's wrong Allen? And don't say nothing! I'm not blind," Singh says.

"Heartbreak. I left a girl that I really care about," I say.

"I can't help a lot but know that you can get better," Singh says before dismissing me.

"Thank you sir," I mumble before going out.

"What was that about?" Joe asks me when I leave the office.

"He noticed my drop in mood and asked me about it," I say.

"Move on Barry!" Joe says.

"I can't! I didn't know her for long but I can't! This trumps what I had for Iris!" I shout at him in the lab.

"Okay, I have to find a way to accept that but Barry, find a way to meet her or talk to her! You're miserable!" Joe suggests.

"There is no way!" I shout, grief and frustration melding into one, making me a time bomb.

I go and sit down. I put my head in my hands and feel tears drip down my face. "There's no way," I mumble to myself.

"Hey guys!" Iris chirps, walking in.

I quickly get up, and wipe away my tears.

"Hey!" I say.

"Okay, what is it? I know when you are hiding something." Iris says.

"Joe, I have to," I say.

"I don't want to be here when you do!" Joe says, rushing out of the lab.

"What is it?" a panicked Iris asks.


I know that this chapter was short but I have little inspiration right now. If you could give me some ideas, that would be great.

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