XXV. Kara Is My Girlfriend

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I wake up and get ready while Mon-el is still peacefully sleeping. I go get coffee and do a bunch of other stuff until he wakes up. He gets out of bed, his hair a mess and trudges over to the kitchen.

"Hey!" I chirp.

"Good morning," he groans out while smiling at me.

"how was your sleep?" I ask.

"Good, I just have one suggestion," he says, pulling me closer.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"That your face is the first thing I see," he says, causing me to giggle.

"Okay," I say as he pulls me in for a kiss.

"It's so good to do that without breaking your nose!" I say.

"That's happened?" he asks.

"Yeah," I chuckle.

I'm truly happy with him by my side.

"Hey could we not tell anyone about this?" I ask, gesturing to the two of us.

"Definitely!" He says.

We walk into the DEO adn he shouts, "Kara is my girlfriend!"

I have a mental face palm as he continues to talk.

Im having short chapters and this book will end VERY soon. Thanks for reading and voting though!

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