XVII. I Don't Know Who I Like Anymore

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Kara's POV

I walk in to find Barry sitting on my couch. I tell him to go away because I can't stand to see his face anymore. As soon as he leaves, I collapse on the floor with tears in my eyes.  I was acting weirdly because I was slowly breaking down inside. I didn't want to see his face for any longer than I had to or else I would burst in tears.

Alex comes in to talk to me and sees me in tears. She helps me get to the couch and we talk.

"I have to move on but I don't know how," I say.

"You have to take your mind off of it," Alex says.

"What do I do?" I ask.

"Give me a day and I will find something," Alex says.

"Okay. I want to sleep now," I whisper.

"Alright," she  says before helping me to my bed.

She leaves. I pull the covers over my face and just think.

I don't know who I like anymore.

I don't like James and Barry broke my heart.

I start crying and I eventually fall asleep.

Sorry for it being so short and late. Hope you like it. This book will be ending soon. Thank you all for reading and voting.

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