X. Is This What Heartbreak Feels Like?

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Sorry updates aren't as frequent, I am updating my WDW fanfic more since it has more popularity, but I haven't forgotten about this one! I hope you enjoy it! For a while, the chapters will just be dwelling in their feelings and stuff.


Kara's POV

I wake up, and get ready, slowly and sadly. I am lost in my thoughts on the way to work.

"Here you go Ms. Grant," I glumly say, while handing her the coffee.

"Still not okay Keera?" She asks.

"No Ms. Grant," I say, pushing up my glasses.

She lets out a groan of frustration and goes into her office. I sit at my desk and just stare off into space.

"Kara?" I hear someone ask, I snap out of my daze to see James.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. Only one person can help," I sigh.

"Who is it?" James asks.

"Barry," I answer.

"Oh," he says, and his mood drops suddenly and he storms away.

I was confused by his reaction but I didn't have the energy to chase after him. I barely had the energy to do anything now, is this whato heartbreak feels like? Does it feel like a crushing weight in your heart? One that doesn't allow you to do anything? One that stabs at your heart at anything that could possibly remind you of him? Can it be the death of me? Can one person have so much control over me?All I want is to talk to him, even a note! I need to know if how he is doing! Does he love me? Is he feeling heartbreak?

A loud exclamation pulls me out of my daze and I see James looming over me again. He takes me to the roof to talk. I stumble after him, nearly tripping many times.

"Why is Barry the only one who can help you?" He asks.

"Because I love him James! I'm sorry. But you took forever and I wasn't willing to have my heart broken everyday because you are oblivious!" I shout.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles before rushing back down.

I am filled with anger and rage. Why did he have to ask? Why did it matter? It's not like he liked me now anyways! Right? Well it's too late!

I know it was short but I think a short chapter is better than no updates. Sorry! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! ❤️ Thanks for reading and voting! 

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