XX. Weird. Very Weird.

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Sorry no song. 😬

Im still confused by Iris's reply and it has been a few days. A few days that I've tried to think of something else. A few days I've immersed myself in my work so much, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. A few days when confusion never left my thoughts, not even for a moment.

Today is the day I will ask Iris what's wrong. I meet her later today.

"Hey, Iris, what's wrong?" I ask.

"What? Huh? Nothing," she says, fumbling.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"You wanna know why I didn't say yes to the date?" She realizes.

"Yeah," I say, thinking it was obvious.

"So how was Kara acting when you told her to stop?" She asks, arching an eyebrow.

"Weird. Very weird."

"That was her way of saying that she wasn't fine with it." 

"But why didn't she just say that?"

"You think after so many years, you would understand a sliver of the female mind."

"But she's an alien."

"She is a female alien yes?"


"Then I'm right!"

"So do I have to go talk to her?" I ask, still confused.

"Yeah Barry but seeing how long it's taken you, she's probably started liking someone else," Iris says, frustrated with me.

"Okay," I say, walking out of there with a goal.

The same goal that I had a few days ago, the same goal that may have ruined my relationships with two admirable women. 

Short chapter, ik. I haven't updated in a while and I have to do a lot of stuff. Also, be prepared for a potentially unhappy ending.

Do you think Kara will take back Barry? Do you think it's a good idea? Do you think Kara has started falling for Mon-el already?

And the anticipation builds.

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