IV. Hart or head

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Hey everyone 👋. Hope you liked the last chapter. Enjoy! I command you to! Jk 😆😂


Kara's POV

As much as it hurt me, it couldn't go any further right? Well the heart wants what it wants. I love him but my heart will break when he leaves.

As we separate at the elevator, I give Barry a hug. As we are enveloped in each other's arms, neither of us wants to leave each other but we have to. I have a weird greed now. I want more than just a parting hug. What is happening to me?! This has never happened. I decide to talk to Alex.

A few hours later during her lunch break.

"Hey Alex. I have boy problems," I say to her while walking the halls of the DEO.

She pulls me into an empty room then orders me to spill. I tell her about liking Barry (and maybe more than liking), the kiss, and the greed or want of more.

"Your love life is finally normal!" She exclaims.

"I'm supposed to feel this want?" I ask, confused.

"Yes. You really like this guy don't you?" She asks.

"Yeah," I answer shyly.

I go back to CatCo and decide whether to follow my hart or my head. If you get that reference, wanna be friends?😂😁

Barry's POV

I decide to focus all my energy into my work to get home. Winn comes with food and when I ask where Kara is he says that she went to the DEO.

Probably to get away from me. I thought.

I keep trying to find out how to get home until we have to leave.

As we get in the house, I hear Kara whisper on my ear, "Forget what I said this morning."

"Wait what?" I ask overjoyed.

"I realized that I like you. I don't just want to be friends, I want more. I chose to follow my heart and not my head," she says.

"Good for me then," I say with a wink.

"Yeah ok you big weirdo," she says before crashing her lips into mine.

Our lips stay glued together as we move over to the couch. We make out for a while and end up falling asleep while cuddling watching tv.

I woke up late at night from a nightmare when I noticed her head on my chest. I smiled and admired her beauty. I don't care that we will be separated, the time I have with her will be great either way.

This one is a little short but I updated twice in the same day so cut me some slack. Hope your summer is going great. Mine is going pretty great because I have Wattpad, Why Don't We, and Cheetos. anyways I will update as much as possible as soon as possible. 

Fangirl out!

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