III. Do you like me?

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Hey! Hope whoever is reading this is having a good day! Anyways enjoy 😊.


Kara's POV

I exhale a sigh as I try to mentally prepare myself for the day. As I think of what I will do today, I think of Barry and a smile creeps up in my face. 

"No. Stop Kara, you can't like him! He's from another Earth!" I scold and shout at myself.

"Like who?" I hear behind, I suddenly remember that Winn can come in any time and he must have let Barry in when I was thinking.

"Um...umm," I stutter, at loss of words. The smirk on his face grows bigger by the second. "Um, I was talking about my favorite tv show." I say nodding my head along with the words.

"Oh really? Which show has multiple Earths, and a girl named Kara?" He asks with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Um... the Real Life Show?" I say more like a question.

"You know that makes no sense right?" He says as he walks closer. 

"Um no! It's a real show!" I say defensively as he stalks closer.

"Oh really? Should we watch the show when we come back?" He asks.

"Come back?" I ask.

"Yeah... Winn said he texted you that I would stay with you today," he said.

"Oh um," I say as I check my texts and see Winn's. "Okay you have an alibi."

"Now where were we?" He asks, a smirk appearing and feet inching forward.

"Oh um..." I say.

"Oh yeah you were telling me that we could watch that show when we get back," he says, his face a foot from mine.

"Um," I say, alarmed by his close proximity.

"Kara Danvers," he says.

"Yes," I reply meekly.

"Do you like me?" Barry asks.

"Yes," I say, barely above a whisper.

"What was that?" He says and I feel his breath on my cheeks.

"Yes!" I shout turning my head up to look at him.

We both stare at each other, getting lost in each other's eyes. Until I realize his face is less than 3/4 of a foot from my face.


Barry's POV

We stare at each other and I realize how beautiful her eyes are. Because of the close proximity we share the same air and I notice her cheeks flush pink as she notices how close we are. She lowers her head but I lift it back up, my fingers grazing her chin.

"Hey," I say quietly while moving closer.

She closes the gap and my eyes widen in surprise. Then my eyes close and I savor the moment. We stay like that for a few seconds but then she pulls away.

"I shouldn't have done that. You probably don't like me anyways," she says while walking away.

"Hey. I do like you, more than I thought possible in less than a week," I say with a small smile on my face.

"Really?" She asks skeptically.

"Yes. You have all my love," I say with a big grin on my face.

"And you mine," she says, a dark blush creeping up her cheeks. "But let's not keep going." She finishes sadly.

"Why?" I say, the sting of rejection bringing tears to my eyes which I blink away.

"Because you're gonna go Barry!" She shouts. "We have to go, we'll continue this later."

"Okay," I reply quietly.

Hello! I updated relatively quickly this time! I hope you are enjoying. Please vote and comment if you like the story. It means a lot thank you! Love you all.

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