XI. Is Love Worth It?

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New chapter! Yay!


Barry's POV

"I fell in love!" I admit.

"With whom?" Iris asks, the hope present in her voice.


"Oh," she says and her mood drops considerably.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine," she says, but the tears welling up in her eyes betray her. "I just need to be somewhere else."

She rushes off before I can say anything. I just stare off after her, wondering what I've done. I sit down, in a daze just staring at the place she was standing.

I pretend everything is okay for the rest of the day but I spend a lot of time thinking when I get home.

Why did I fall in love? Why did I have to hurt Iris? What is Kara doing?

Is love worth it?

Is it worth hurting other people? Is it worth having this ache in my chest? Is it worth feeling like being trampled? Is it worth it?

"Joe, is love worth it?" I ask as he walks in.

"Worth what?" He asks.

"Heartbreak. Is it worth hurting someone else unintentionally?"

"Maybe. It depends on you."

"What do you mean?"

"That's for you to figure out," he says and walks off, triggering another thought process.

I have to figure out the meaning of love. 

Love is a feeling unrivaled by anything. It can be your fuel for life or it can be the death of you. Is this the death of me?


Sorry short chapter but I'm updating twice today.

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