XVI. I Stayed To Check If You Were Okay

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Barry's POV

I didn't want to hurt her but I had to. It would be worse had I not stopped it. I decide to stay and talk later in the day. I go to her apartment and decide to wait till she gets back.

The door opens hours later and Kara walks in, I get up. She is startled by my presence.

"What are you doing here?" She asks icily.

"I stayed to check if you were okay," I say uncertainly.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Now go away!" She says.

"Okay," I whimper and walk out.

I leave and mutter under my breath, "What's wrong with her?"

"You!" She shouts back.

"Woops," I mumble.

I go back home, still wondering what was wrong.

Why was she so rude? Did I hurt her more than I thought? Did I do that to her?

"Hey dude, get up now! Everyone is here!" Cisco shouts, pulling me out from my thoughts.

My eyes widen in surprise and I rush up. I'm immediately pelted with shouts, screams, and questions.

"I was at Kara's Earth!" I shout louder than everyone else so they can all hear me.

Iris storms out and Joe throws me a pointed glare while chasing after her. I just shrug and answer Caitlin's questions. Nothing makes me forget about Kara's odd behavior earlier.

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